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Thanks for your comments. They encourage me.
I love this song and a part of me is thinking it should be suitable for this chapter. Just play it and listen to the lyrics while reading this chapter. ;)

Alex is here?
The thought kept coming back to her as she tried to focus on her cooking.

Zara and Aliyah were saying something about a book, Zara bought at the bookstore which Aliyah wanted to read.
And Kendra didn't utter a word.

Alex is here?
The thought came again. Why was she still thinking about the guy who is probably in the living room or somewhere with Ben right now and doesn't even know she's in here?

There was something about him that put her off. Maybe the fact that he kept sating things to her that didn't make sense yet they still made her feel shocked.

"And hey, you should smile more often. Stop being selfish and share those smiles to the world."
Those words came back to her.

She knew she was the smiling one. She loved to smile. Even before she got married.

Its funny, the things marriage does to a lady. It makes her happy, or it makes her feel like death.
In Kendra's case she felt like death.

Wrong word. She felt like dying.  

Dinner went smooth with everyone going from one topic to the other and mostly laying compliments on Kendra's meal. She smiled at them.

Alex who sat opposite her was watching. And it was really creepy.

His gaze always made her uncomfortable with his he stared like he was reading her mind or he could see through her soul.
If only he or anyone could see through her soul right now. Anyone would know she was dying. Slowly. With every impact of her husband's fists.

"Kendra, I was going to ask you how your husband is."
Ben asked while taking dessert.

Kendra looked up and smiled.
"Oh, he is fine. He travelled actually."

"Awwn. Now I see why she's all quiet and moody."
Aliyah teased.

"She wants her hubby."
Aliyah said and everyone laughed.

If only you knew.
She thought while grinning at them.

And again, Alex only kept silent, staring at her.
Doesn't he realize that there are people at this table too?
She thought. And it was getting more creepy.
  After dinner, she packed up the dishes with Aliyah and made off to the kitchen, while Zara cleaned up the table.

But as lazy as Aliyah was, she had complained of a slight headache and retired to the bedroom. It was late, anyway. Something past nine.

Connor could be back tomorrow, thankfully enough. She didn't want to come home late again and then he will get the idea that she had been gallivanting around the city with a man which was more than a lie.

How he got those ideas into his head was beyond her. But then again, he was the same person, who had gotten upset because she suspected that he could be having another child elsewhere. But who wouldn't suspect? Her husband wasn't bothered about a child at all and she's the one who is having issues with conceiving.

A figure walked into the kitchen. She was sure she saw someone come in and she was sure it could be Zara.

Without taking her eyes off the plates, she said, "Zee-babe, could you dry up the dishes? I'm kind of..."

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