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You don't know how ecstatic I have been with your comments. And to know that I'm meeting your expectations is making more grateful to you all for reading my work.
I hope you enjoy the rest of my story.


Alex didn't look shocked. In fact his expression was blank and he stared at her as if he expected her to burst in laughter and tell him it must have been a joke.

Kendra lowered her gaze and played her fingers.
"I didn't know how to tell you."

"What do you want to do?"

His question shocked her. Maybe during the week, she had already started relying on him for help that she never expected him to ask her that.
She shrugged. "I don't know, Alex. I'm scared of meeting up with him. It's not just Connor that has been calling me. But my secretary at the salon keeps calling too. But I don't want to tell her where I am. Just because I'm scared of news getting to Connor."

Alex was silent again. He leaned forward and looked at her as if he was just trying to read her.
"Do you want to meet him, Kendra? Because I know you have to do it, one way or another. You have to meet him and clear your doubt and fears."

Kendra looked at him like he had just told her to jump into a ditch.
"I...I don't know, Alex..."

"Kendra, listen. If you don't face him, then you will keep hiding. You might never be free to fight your fears with him. Tell him the truth. Let him know how you feel. If you want to go back with him, then you have to talk about this. The next time he lays a finger on you, you will do something drastic about it. He has to know what you feel in this case."

Kendra shook her head. "I don't want to go back to him, Alex. I don't want to. I can't."
She said, shaking her head.

Alex took her hands in his. "I know. Then, you have to talk to him."

"I don't trust myself not to go back with him, if I see him. That's why I can't see him."

"But you have to. You are strong, Kendra. Very strong. And I know you can do this." Alex said to her, their gazes held for a second and she was first to look away. She nodded.

"Thank you, Alex."

"You are very good at thanking people aren't you?"
He said, smiling.

*                            *                         *

Aliyah was in the living room when the door bell rang and she knew no one had gone to open it. She cursed on her way to the door and opened it.

Connor stood at the door, staring at her. Then he smiled. Aliyah stared at him for a while and then a stiff smile appeared in her lips.

"Connor! Hi! What a... pleasant surprise!"

Connor chuckled and then smiled at her.
Anyone would fall for that smile. She thought. Well, she knew that there was a time she envied her friend for catching the best husband. But now? He just disgust her. If she didn't know him now, she would say he had the most alluring smile.
She deliberately stood at the door and smiled at him like an idiot.
Make him the fool. She thought.

"May I come in?"
Connor asked.

"Oh!" She faked a smile. "Sorry. Silly me! Come in."
She stepped aside and watched him step into her home with a gentle smile.

Thankfully, her husband was just coming down the stairs and she rushed to his side, thanking her stars that at least he would be here to hold her horses when she can't keep her cool with the bastard.

Ben looked as surprised as his wife to see Connor and the couple exchanged a glance. Ben, the gentle and sensible one, smiled.
"Connor. It's a pleasant surprise to see you in our home. How are you?"
Good job, Babe. Aliyah thought. Ben knew about Kendra's whereabouts. Of course he would know. He's her husband.

"I'm okay. How are you"
Connor asked.

"Oh, good. Uh...Let me get the maid to get you something...."

"Oh, no! Don't bother about that. I'm fine."
Connor cut in.

"Okay. Whatever you say."
Ben said and glanced at his wife who sat on his laps.

The couple stared at Connor as if they expected to see a beast instead of a human. Of course, what else would they want to see? From a man who no one had expected to be violent at all.

"I have been searching for my wife. For two weeks now. And I really don't know what to do. I'm going to go crazy anytime soon, Ben."
He said.

Aliyah stared at him and she would have sworn that he looked like someone who was crazy about his wife.
"Um...You haven't seen her? Oh my God. That explains why I haven't been able to reach her."
Aliyah said, looking at her husband who nodded and looked at Connor.

"My wife has been trying to reach her. She had gone to the salon but her secretary said she hadn't shown up for days. We didn't know you were also looking for her."
Ben said.

Good job, husband. Aliyah thought and nodded in confirmation of what her husband said.
"What happened, Connor? I hope nothing is wrong? Have you been to her parents'?"
Aliyah asked.

Connor sighed. "I went there yesterday. But they haven't seen her. I don't know...we had an argument. She was...suspecting that I was sleeping around and we just had a heated argument and she left the house. I don't know where she got the idea that I had a child outside. It's just so crazy. And I don't even know how to search for her right now."
Connor said with his head bowed.

Aliyah's jaw dropped. She turned to her husband and Ben's hand snaked around her waist to hold her in place. As if he knew she was about to charge for the beast.

Ben said. Either he was shocked at how convincing, Connor's story sounded or at the news itself.
"I don't even know....What to say, Connor. Maybe she just checked into a hotel or something. She's not one to keep away for days though. Maybe you should search the hotels."
Ben said.

Connor looked up at him. "So, you haven't seen her? She didn't stop by or something?"

Ben shook his head. "Not at all. I'm really sorry, I wish we had an idea of her whereabouts. As I said, my wife has been worried about her too."

"Where could she have gone? If she's not at her parents' then where?"
Aliyah said.

Connor sighed. "Okay. Thank you. I just want you both to let me know as soon as you have any news about her. I hope she's okay, though. I have contacted the police about it too."

The couple nodded. Aliyah was keeping her cool for long and as soon as Connor stepped out the door, she exploded.

"I can't believe that beast!"
She snapped. "Did you see how he acted like Kendra was at fault? He didn't even have the decency of admitting that he did something bad! What kind of a man is that?!"

Ben walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Ssh. It's okay, babe. I love how you were able to play along. Some men just hate being wrong sometimes."

"Oh, heavens knows that I was so close to bashing his head against something. Anything! Making a face as if he is so heart broken and Kendra is the one who needs a mended heart right now. What an animal!"
Aliyah said and climbed up the stairs in anger.

Ben ran after her. "I think you should call your friend and tell her, babe!"
He said in his way up.

Damn, I hate that dude too!
And I know you love how they made him the fool, right?😏
I do too.
I know this is too short but I'm really sorry. This is as far as I go with this chapter. 😜
I love your votes. They make me happy and more grateful. Keep voting, keep putting your comments and don't forget, I am open to corrections and tips on how to move this story forward.
Love you!

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