Chapter 31

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Jan and Gabby had found a couple of large apartment buildings in Santa Monica that fulfilled Gabby's requirements for safety. They both had doormen on duty twenty-four hours per day, and access to each floor was protected by elevator operators also on duty around the clock. Gabby decided against trying to find a male roommate, since that in and of itself could be a trigger unless it was someone she knew well and trusted. She wanted to talk to Davy before she signed the lease, so she merely put down a deposit on an apartment in the building that had a small grass yard attached to it, a plus for the dogs.

When she went home that night, Davy was waiting on dinner to eat with her. They usually did their own thing in terms of what to eat. Davy thought Gabby's constant diet of takeout was disgusting and unhealthy, and he preferred to eat his own healthy concoctions. Gabby came home with a slice of sad pizza and Davy insisted on pairing it with some of the salad he was having for his dinner. She accepted it gratefully and giggled "You know, one of these days, I've got to learn how to cook."

Davy smiled at her and retorted "Either that or find yourself a fella who will cook for you."

Gabby's face fell into a more melancholy version of her smile and she put her fork down, preparatory to breaking the news of her impending departure to Davy. She fiddled with her pizza crust and said "Davy, I've been out today with Jan."

Davy's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, you two gals comparing notes on my sexual prowess or my most annoying personal habits?"

Gabby laughed and said "That's not funny or nice, Davy. You know I don't kiss and tell, and Jan's still crazy about you and wouldn't say a word against you."

Davy's eyes became neutral and evasive and he just shrugged and said "Yeh, well, you know."

Inhaling a big breath and deciding to just rip the Band-Aid off, Gabby said "Davy, we were looking for a new place for me to live. It's time for me to leave and let you reclaim your life. I think you've done more than enough for me and I'm ready to try to stand on my own two feet."

Davy's brow furrowed and his eyes darkened. "No you're not. You're leaving because Jan and Lynda are trying to get you out of me life. I heard Lynda chattering on at you at the birthday party, and I assume you got more of the same from Jan. Am I right?"

Gabby squirmed. She didn't want to violate girl code, plus it wasn't completely true that they were the impetus for her wanting to leave. "They did both speak to me, but they were very supportive of me and the reason why I've been here so long. They didn't fault me for that. But they're worried about you, and so am I. You're going downhill, Davy. Your life has become all about worrying about me and thinking about me. Do you know what I'm trying to say?"

Davy blinked disbelievingly. "You think I'm trying to keep you here captive until you fall in love with me? You think I'd do that to you? I've been trying to protect you, to keep you safe."

Gabby reached for his hand and squeezed it fiercely to wake him from his mistaken train of thought. "I know that, Davy. I've accepted your help because I desperately needed it, and I'm incredibly fortunate that you were willing to give it to me. But now I can see that I've become a huge burden on you. It's not just the worrying you're doing about me. You've put your whole life on hold for me. Trying to manage my crazy mental health problems. Fighting my battles for me. Waiting to see what happens with me and Micky. Tell me the truth – you're still hoping Micky and I split up so that maybe I'll turn to you and become your lover, right?"

Davy wanted to bluster and protest, but he'd never once lied to Gabby and there was no point in doing it now. She wouldn't believe his feeble lies anyway. She knew him too well. He just nodded. "Now I have a question for you, Gabby. Your answer to it will help me accept your decision to leave this place and not allow me to take care of you anymore. If you do split up with Micky, are you going to give me a chahnce?"

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