Chapter 28

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About ten minutes after hanging up the phone with Micky, the doorbell rang.  Davy charged over to the door and let Micky in.  Their eyes met, the chocolate ones blazing with anger and resentment, the hazel ones full of trepidation and remorse.  Peter and Dawn emerged from their bedroom and quickly ushered Micky into their room for a conference with Davy.

Davy explained the conversation he had had with Gabby.  Micky blinked with incomprehension and then his face began to twist into expressions of suspicion and jealousy. 

"Why are you still here?  Why were you in bed with Gabby?  Are you having an affair with her?"

Davy roared at him "No, you pillock!  I'm not having an affair with Gabby.  I've been taking care of her for months while you've been out chasing tail and drinking and drugging yourself into a stupor and then getting yourself sorted out.  I've been a friend to her and nothing more.  Now there's no time for this discussion.  You need to get in there and talk her down off the ceiling or wherever it is her mind and soul are hanging out.  You're the only one who speaks her language and who knows how to get her straight.  So please save the drama for later and go take care of your wife."

Micky's face transformed again into a look of agony and shame as Davy reminded him of his shortcomings, then into one of determination and confidence as he asked "Where is she?  Show me where to go."

Dawn froze Davy with a forbidding stare as he tried to lead the way, then she took Micky by the hand herself, leading him towards the bedroom.  "She's in there.  I'll come in with you and then leave you alone."

Micky panicked "Leave me alone?  You mean you trust me to be alone with her?"

Dawn took his hand in both of hers and gripped it hard.  "Yes, Micky.  You need to be trusted to show you deserve it.  So I trust you.  Now show me you've earned it."

Micky squared his shoulders as he followed Dawn into the bedroom.  She leaned over Gabby and stroked her hair.  "Gabby, Micky's here.  I'm going to be out in the living room with Peter and Davy.  If you need anything, just give a holler.  We can hear you.  Okay?  Nod if you can hear me."

Gabby nodded feebly.

Dawn gave Micky one more look, this time one a mixture of gratitude and encouragement, and left the room.

Micky approached the bed and said "Gabby, it's me, Micky.  I'm here.  Is that okay?"

Gabby nodded.

"Davy says you're floating.  Is that where you are?"

She nodded again.

"Okay, I'm really glad Davy called me.  He's been a good friend to you and I'm really grateful he called me when he said he couldn't help you in this situation.  Is that okay that he called me?"

Gabby sniffled "Y-y-y-yes, I asked him to call you.  D-d-davy, I – he – we..."

"It's okay, Gabby.  He told me he's been looking after you while I've been away.  I'm really glad.  Thank you for trusting me, Gabby.  I'm here to help you.  Is it okay if I sit down on the bed with you?"

Gabby nodded.

"So how long have you been floating, Gabby?  When did it start?"

"When I had to go talk to you, or maybe really before then when I realized you weren't going to leave until I did."

"I'm sorry, Gabby.  I shouldn't have stuck around.  I should have known you wouldn't be ready to talk to me.  I used to be better at reading your signals.  I'm sorry.  Please know that I didn't do it on purpose.  I just didn't pick up on your distress.  I thought you were doing okay.  So that's number one.  You're under no pressure to ever talk to me again after tonight.  Okay?"

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