Chapter 27

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It was the run up to Christmas, and Davy was trying to figure out what to do. He had been planning to fly home to Manchester to see his sisters, but he'd heard a rumor that Micky had finished his rehab and aftercare and had started asking around about where Gabby was living. He was afraid to leave her alone, for fear that Micky would find out where she was domiciled and blow his stack.

"Gabby, come to Manchester with me for Christmas. It's just a short jaunt and then you can get back to your job. I don't want to leave you behind. It's too dangerous."

Gabby considered her options. She too didn't want to be left alone in Davy's flat by herself, but she was worried about what would happen if Micky found out that she had flown to Davy's hometown with him and jumped to the wrong conclusion. She raised this as a counterpoint and asked Davy what the consequences would be.

Davy scratched his chin and said "Yeah, that's true, that's kind of a declaration of a sort, even if it isn't true." Gabby and Davy hadn't had any sort of sexual contact in all the time she'd been staying in his apartment.

Gabby suggested "Maybe we ought to convene a Christmas party for the whole Monkees mishpucha before you leave, and then I can go stay with Mike and Wendy. I'm sure they could tolerate me and the dogs for the few days you're gone."

Davy frowned "But that would mean you'd be seeing Micky!"

Gabby nodded. "Maybe that's the best way to see him the first time. In a setting where he can't get all hot and heavy with me. Where he's got to be polite and neutral and just make chit chat. It could be a good icebreaker."

"Well, okay, if you say so, but if I detect any sort of hinky vibes from him, I'm cancelling my trip home and you're staying put right here where I can keep my eye on you."

Gabby smiled at Davy's overprotectiveness and proprietary attitude towards her. It was still tinged with lovesickness, but it was more laden with friendship and the investment of half a year's careful watch over her.

"I'll call Dawn and ask if we can have the party at her place. That way they'll have their kids there for everybody to love up and they won't have to do anything. We can arrange the whole thing and they'll just be there for it."

Gabby phoned Dawn and was happy to find that Dawn was on board with the plan. She had been able to revert to her routine of helping out while Micky was away in rehab, and Dawn was beginning to heal. Dawn and Gabby divvied up the list of people to call and surprisingly, there were no regrets offered. Everyone RSVP'd yes, including Micky, whom Mike called.

The party was to be held on December 22nd, a Sunday, so that Davy could leave the next morning for the UK. Lynda and Jan attended to the food for the party – just like old times – and Wendy took care of decorations, her glory and favorite part of being attached to non-Jews. Davy and Gabby went over to Peter and Dawn's early Sunday morning to attend to cleaning the house and making it party-ready. They spent the day playing with the kids and letting the dogs run free in Peter's yard. By 4:00 p.m., everybody started arriving. Micky was the last to arrive, and Gabby was on pins and needles waiting for his ring at the doorbell.

When he finally did arrive, he had barely made it through the front door before both dogs hurled themselves at him. This time, they had no questions about who he was or what he smelled like. They knew it was papa and were ecstatic to see him. They yipped and jumped and capered and did zoomies around the room, then jumped up on him to command his attention and licked his face, then pushed each other out of the way to vie for the space on his lap. They were beyond thrilled to see him.

Everyone else in the room laughed at the comically epic welcome he was receiving, then one at a time attempted to give him at least a warm welcome, despite his having forsaken and shamed the group and its most beloved member so thoroughly. It may have been because they were imbued with the Christmas spirit, but everyone seemed willing to let bygones be bygones. All except for Davy, who stood aloof with his hands on his hips and his giant dark eyebrows in a crinkle of consternation and suspicion, and Gabby, who cowered and hung back with apprehension and a bit of fear.

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