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Requested by: SuperPotterJackson5

High School!AU

Third Person POV

"Big brother~"

"No, God, Emil would you stop!?!" Lucas scolded his brother once again. Never before had he acknowledged their relationship as brothers, why now? Now, when Emil was shoving a sparkly blue dress in Lucas's face, trying to get him to try it on.

"Try the sparkle dress!" Emil was smiling, this never happened. Why did he have to know about Lucas's date, he never should have found out. But it was Lucas's own fault for telling him about actually getting a date for the winter dance. But a dress? No way.

Lucas didn't even ask him out. Yeah, him.

Lucas was going with the ridiculous Matthias Kohler.

Matthias asked him out on Halloween that year. And Lucas just so happened to mention it passingly during dinner one time, something about getting an outfit. And Emil started teasing from then on. Especially with the dresses. Where he got them, Lucas almost didn't want to know.

It didn't even matter that Lucas was going with a guy. Heck, a majority of the students at their high school weren't straight. And they weren't afraid to be open about it, either. Especially everyone in the art club: Feliciano, Lovino, Antonio, and Kiku, to name a few. What mattered was that Matthias was the exact opposite of Lucas, and Lucas wasn't used to changes.


The next day at school, Lucas walked into history, where he had Matthias sitting by him. Lucas always got to class early, and Matthias got there late. Matthias burst into the room, slamming the door against the wall, and shouting.

"HAHAHA, have no fear, for I am here!" Matthias had the most ridiculous smile on. Lucas chuckled silently, then frowned. He had an image to maintain. Matthias crashed down in the seat next to Lucas and threw his arm around his shoulder. Lucas frowned deeper. He really did like the Dane, he was just not good at taking affection. Maybe it's ok for the date he had to turn into a crush? No, that would be too cliche. Lucas sighed, and decided, then, that everything about this school was cliche anyway, so who cares? He was, in fact, falling for the obnoxious Matthias Kohler. And now there was no denying it.

"Matthias!" Lucas scolded, which surprisingly shut him up, "Please be quiet, I want to talk to you later..." Matthias blushed slightly, nodding. This attractive Norweigen person actually acknowledged him after he asked him to the dance? Matthias had believed that Lucas was going to ignore him until the dance itself.


Later came and Matthias' heart was beating so fast, he nearly thought he was going to pass out. Lucas had decided to meet up with Matthias after school in the locker room, which they knew would be empty since there weren't any sports after school that day.

Lucas made eye contact with Matthias and sighed. Why does he have to look so damn attractive? Lucas thought, then shook his head. He needed to say something.

"Matthias. Thank you for asking me to the dance, it means a lot." Lucas had no idea where he was going with this, and his words were coming out of his mouth before he could think of them, "I've learned that I really like you. Being with you makes me happy, and that's why I can't wait for this dance. I'm sorry if you don't like me in the same way but if you didn't then why would you ask me anyway? Hahaha... maybe I'm just getting my hopes up." Lucas' head dropped and he looked at the floor.

Matthias was speechless. Of course, he liked Lucas, that's why he asked him out in the first place! Was it really so hard to understand? He moved forward and pinned Lucas to the wall, his strong arms on either side of the smaller man.

"Of course I like you, Lucas. I have for a while now. Why else would I ask you to a formal dance?" Lucas blushed intensely and averted his eyes. He didn't know how to answer. "Stop me if you don't want it..." Matthias' words trailed off and his face came closer to Lucas'. He kissed Lucas on the cheek softly, then made his way down to his neck, planting a small kiss there before coming back up to see Lucas' reaction.

Lucas was a blushing mess and was breathing slightly heavily. He looked up at the Dane and found himself smiling. Lucas then took the initiative and pulled Matthias into a kiss, right on his surprisingly-soft lips.

They're both glad that the misunderstanding was finally cleared.

The dance was fun, and they ended up picking outfits together, and, despite Emil's protests, neither of them wore dresses.

A/N: HELLO, I KNOW IT'S BEEN LIKE ACTUALLY ALMOST 9 MONTHS SINCE I'VE UPDATED AND I PROMISE THAT I'M NOT DEAD. ALSO SORRY THAT IT'S SHORTER THAN USUAL Thanks for the request, and yes, even though there will be slower updates, (I'm very busy lol) I am still accepting requests beyond the ones that I have currently.

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