France x Reader soulmate AU

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Y/N=Your name

E/C=Eye Color

Now are they green? Or blue? (y/n) had been wondering this for a while now, and the same thought popped into her head again as she looked into the mirror. You see, soulmates have one eye their own color, and the other is their soulmate's eye color. They change back to their own color once you have made eye contact with your soulmate. (y/n) had one (e/c) eye, and one blue eye. She never knew her parents, so she can't make a guess based on her genes. Today, both of (y/n)'s adoptive parents were going to be going to a work conference, so (y/n) was going to spend the entire day at the library.

(Y/n) got out a book and started to read. She soon finished the book, and then remembered that she had some homework to work on. She looked at the time: 7:30. Her parents were going to pick her up in an hour.

A few minutes into her homework, (Y/n) heard a voice behind her. She had to finish in the hour, so she never paid attention to what he was saying, and continued on with her work.

"Please, just look at me!" The man pleaded, "at least talk to me instead of ignoring me completely!" The man, (y/n) noticed, had a thick French accent.

"Alright, I'll talk, but don't push it." (y/n) replied, shaking her head and continuing her homework. The two chatted for a while and became more acquainted. (y/n) was realizing that she was glad she had met Francis, he seemed to be quite the charmer!

But after a while, Francis got pouty.

"Please, just look at me, mon ami! I want to see your pretty face!" Francis begged of the girl. This was beginning to become annoying, and so (y/n) complied.

"Fine, but just one look."

The two turned their heads and looked each-other in the eyes. They simultaneously gasped. Francis's eyes were fading into a clear blue, and Faith's were turning a crisp (e/c). They were silent with the realization that they were soulmates - the very thought shut them up. Francis broke the silence by putting an arm around the girl. (y/n) was hesitant at first, but then nuzzled into his grip, dropping the pen she was using for her homework on the desk.

The couple just stayed there comfortably together, enjoying their new-found revelations. When it was a bit after 8:30, (y/n) let out a yawn and wondered where her parents were. She looked up at Francis - he was quite a bit older than she had imagined her soulmate to be, but decided to not dwell on that impeding thought.

Francis and (y/n) stayed cuddled at the library by that desk for a few more minutes when (y/n)'s Dad, Ludwig Beilschmidt, came into the Library to pick up his daughter. He had dropped off (y/n)'s Papa, Feliciano, at their home to make supper. His good mood faded when he saw Francis with his daughter. What was he doing all cuddled up with her?! Ludwig stormed over to the pair, and tapped on (y/n)'s shoulder.

(Y/n) whipped around at the touch, accidentally hitting Francis in the side with her harm. She saw a furious Ludwig before her. It was at this moment that she knew. Either her or Francis was in deep trouble.

"Ludwig," Francis stated firmly.

"Francis." Something passed between them, a mutual consent or understanding or something, (y/n) didn't catch just what. She was just processing the fact that her soulmate knew her vater. How, she didn't know. The men locked glances and (Y/n) timidly made her way over to her vater, grabbing his arm. The touch broke Ludwig out of his fixated glare, and he swiftly guided his daughter out to his car to drive her home, Feliciano was no doubt waiting for them with pasta ready for dinner.

The ride home was silent for a few moments, but then (y/n) decided to be brave and bring up her soulmate. "Vati...I need to tell you something," she was hesitant with her wording - she knew that her vater was not in the best mood at the time. Ludwig interrupted her,

"If it was about Francis, I noticed your eyes, I get it. We'll talk with your papa later." And that was the end of that conversation. The rest of the ride home was in an emotional cloud of partially settled awkwardness. It was not the most ideal thing, in (y/n)'s mind.

When they got home, (y/n) calmed down a bit when she smelled the salivating smell of fresh pasta wafting in from the open window. Ludwig opened the door slowly with a "Honey, we're home!" But he was obviously faking his joy, not that Feliciano would notice. Feliciano quickly rushed out of the kitchen, still wearing an apron, and threw his arms around his husband, kissing him happily. Ludwig reluctantly complied, even though they were in front of their daughter - she was 17, after all.

A few minutes into dinner, Ludwig cleared his throat, signalling the striking up of an important conversation. Feliciano opened his usually squinting eyes and looked at him, and (y/n) shifted in her chair uncomfortably.

"Feli." Ludwig started, somehow getting his attention even more so, "our (y/n) has found her soulmate--" He was cut off by a rather large gasp from Feliciano who started blabbing,

"Aww~! That's so great! Our little girl is growing up so fast!! Do you know the soulmate, Luddy? Is he nice? How old is he? Is he--" Ludwig cut him off,

"It's Francis Bonnefoy. Gil's friend." At this, Feliciano stopped his babbling and beamed.

"Oh~! Brother Francis~! He'll be so good for our little (y/n)! He's a bit old for her, though, don't you think? I mean, we're both 23, Gil and Lovi are 25, and Francis is 22. So it's a five-year difference, but that won't be bad in a few years!! I think they'll be fine, besides, they're soulmates, right?" Ludwig was speechless, he had to think it over. Feliciano was right, they are soulmates, and they're meant to be together. Ludwig would expand on it more with his husband alone.


The next day, Ludwig went to get Gilbert from the Airport, he was going to be visiting. Feliciano made sure to tell his daughter that Ludwig and he were both perfectly fine with Francis being her soulmate, which came as a huge relief to the young adult. She had been thinking, by Ludwig's first reactions to the news, that he would reject their relationship. She made a note to herself to text Francis the news later.

This was the start of something great. Both Francis and (y/n) knew that. 

A/N: And here we have my first ever Hetalia related chapter thingy!!I hope you like it, feel free to request anything for this, and France is the cover simply because he is the first one reader-chan is paired with. 

Vater=Father, German

Vati=Dad, German 

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