Italy x England

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Requested by: Felonious_Pines, I suppose XD. You know what I mean.

Wow, 500 views!! That's a bit crazy, haha~ 

Thanks for the support, all of you.

Third Person

Feliciano Vargas stood in front of his mirror for what seemed like the hundredth time this hour, looking at his clothes. And after every look, he would adjust or change something. It's not that he was subconscious about his looks, he just wanted to make a good impression. He wanted to start with the right foot forward, as his grandpa would always say. You see, his cousin Francis set him up on a date. A blind date. And Feliciano wanted to look his best for the date, even if they were just going to a small, Spanish restaurant. 

He drove his red car out to the restaurant, deciding to wear jeans and a nice shirt, and he told the waiter that he was under a reservation for a table for two. The man nodded, his green eyes sparkling as he smiled, and led Feliciano to his table, and Feliciano noticed that his blind date was already there. Feliciano smiled to himself - so his friends had set him up with a man this time. His date had corn-yellow hair and emerald green eyes that immediately captivated the Italian. It took him a bit to even sit down, it was as though the man had set a spell on him. 

The blond man locked eyes with Feliciano when he wasn't squinting, and this action caused both men to slightly blush. Feliciano decided to speak first. 

"Well, I'm called Feliciano..." he laughed nervously and averted the eye contact. 

"My name is Arthur," Arthur's voice made Feliciano blush again - his accent was clearly British, and his voice was, in Feliciano's opinion, as sweet as chocolate. Their waiter came over with water and menus to order from, and the two were in silence again. 

Feliciano took a sip of water then realized that Arthur had been tracing his glass's rim with his finger. This made Feliciano feel better, because he knew that he wasn't the only nervous one. Once the food arrived, the tension was lifted, and the two began chatting like old friends. They made small talk about who they were, and things that interested them. Feliciano decided to pay for the bill, and he took Arthur by his hand and lead him to the park. 

Arthur was new to this small town, and he was captivated by the beauty that stood out, even in the night. He viewed the sparkling stars, and the shining lake out in front of him. It was at that moment that Feliciano stopped, and sat down at a bench, breaking Arthur's entranced state. The Italian man smiled, and put a hand on the Brit's shoulder. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Feliciano smiled, looking back over the glistening lake,

"It is quite lovely," Arthur agreed. The two sat there again for a bit, commenting on this or that on occasion, and just being purely at peace. This was one date of many to count for the pair, and neither will ever forget it. 

A/N: OOF this is really short. (is it though?) 

It's also really awkward because I didn't know how to end it. 

Thanks again for all the views and votes~ 

Remember you can request x readers also!!


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