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Exchange Student AU Requested by: SuperPotterJackson3

Alfred's (America's) POV

Warning: Slight Yaoi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I make a ball with my garbage from lunch and pretend to be a basketball player, and throw it into the trash can from about 20 feet away. Some girls laugh and my cousin Arthur scoffs. I don't know why I even go to the same college as him, probably because we're both die-hard entrepreneurs when it comes to the things we want to pursue. We're both here, in this prestigious college. I, for one, want to be a sports journalist, and Arthur wants to be a banker. We are in different fields of business, so we don't see each other often, aside from lunch. 

I glance out the window, to see a guy I had never seen before, surrounded by a group of football cheerleaders. I recognize a few of them, as they usually swoon over me after a good game. The guy turns, and winks at me, his blond hair falling down by his face, somehow entrancing me. I make my way over to the scene, and two of the girls make there way over to me instead. As a Sophomore, I am popular especially to Freshmen, and most of the cheerleaders are. I make eye contact with him  and he smirks, the stubble on his jaw moving with his movement. I don't know why I am staring at his face. 

"Bonjour~!" He smiles at me. I don't know what he said, it was like, Italian or something! 

"Oh, Alfred!" one of the girls remark, "don't you even know what that means? It's French for "Hello~!" Her flirty attitude puts me out of my slight trance. 

"Oh. Right! Of course I knew, that, hahahaha! Hi to you, uhh..." I look at the guy again and he laughs,

"Je m'appelle Francis, er, my name is Francis," he smiles, 

"I'm Alfred," I respond, and Francis shakes his head, 

"I know, one of the beauties here said your name earlier," He winks again, so he's the flirting type. 

"So...are you from France, then?" I ask,

"Oui, the City of Love, Paris~!" He answers, his face lighting up with joy. The girls giggle, probably at his handsome accent. 

"Cool! So, where are you rooming?" I ask, wondering if he will be in my dorm. 

"I'll just lead you, mon ami!" He grabs my hand, and leads me to the direction of the dorms. The girls surprisingly don't trail behind us. I still don't know what he said, though. 

We go out to the dorms area and Francis leads me to my dorm, which is odd, I don't remember seeing anyone move in. He is still holding his hand, and leads me down the hall and stops right in front of my room? 

"This, mon ami, is my room!" Francis exclaims, letting go of my hand and opening up the room with his key that is identical to mine. My eyes are wide open as I glance at his perfectly clean third of the room which looks ten times less patriotic than the other two thirds which are mine and my twin Matthew's. The two of us always had the extra bed in the corner of the room, and we never used it other than to keep all our useless crap we've accumulated. I briefly wonder if Matthew knew about Francis moving in with us.

I focus on Francis settling in, putting his clothes in a trunk he brought, bending over as he reached down to the bottom, my eyes fixated on his ass - he was quite attractive. I was full-on staring at Francis at this point, not even trying to hide my bisexual tendencies. 

He caught me. And smirked, then winked. Again. 

"Like what you see, Alfred, cher?" Francis' smirk deepened, and he made his way over to me. I shivered slightly, his accent was really sexy. Francis traced his pointer finger across my jawline and tipped my chin up, his face inches from mine. 

"Perhaps, Alfred, we will get more intimate later~" Francis whispers in my ear, his lips brushing ever-so-slightly on my cheek. I bite back a small moan and I lock eyes with him, blue mirroring blue with pure lust and almost-juvenile longing. Francis then turns, grabs his books for his next class, and leaves, winking at me once more before exiting. 

I sit on my bed, dazed for a bit, when I see someone snapping in front of me. It's Matthew. 

"Hey, Al, bro, you ok?" He smiles, the faint scent of maple syrup lingering on his red sweatshirt. 

"I'm good. I'm great, Mattie, did you see him?" I ramble a bit, and Matthew smiles, and rolls his eyes, 

"The foreign exchange student that principal Wang told us would be moving in with us about a week ago? Yeah, I saw him. Seems nice." Matthew grinned widely, with a triumphant smirk on his face. My hand almost instinctively hit my face, and I blushed, 

"I don'T REMEMBER THAT! CRAP, MATTie I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM!" I shout, and Matthew just laughs. 

"Al, you've only known him for a day, and besides, you're straight, remember?" Matthew's smile grows deeper, and I know he's just warning me to be quiet, as only the two of us know about my bisexuality and Matthew being gay. 

"I...yeah, sure." I roll my eyes, slumping down and frowning. Matthew pulls me into a side-hug.

"Everything will be fine for you, just you wait," he smiles yet again. 

"Yeah. Thanks Mattie, love you." 

"Love you too, Al. And also," Matthew pauses, and whispers,

"make sure you warn me ahead of time before I have to walk in on you two getting at it!" 

My face had never been redder. Guess I'll have to deal with his teasing! I just laugh it off, 

"Yeah, whatever, bro! Hahahaha!!!!" 

A/N: HI!!! I hope you liked this!! WOW ok, so I live in the Midwest in the USA and the SNOW IS INSANE!!!!!!!!! We might get off school tomorrow, which would be bAD because we've already had five days off and I don't want to have to make them all up. 

Any requests? 


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