Canada x Reader

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You sigh as you hear the crashing of a beer bottle against the now-very-scratched-up grand piano. Your dad was drunk again, and your father was pissed off at him. The piano was like his baby, like the son he never had. You look at your father, and he looks back at you, sadness in his eyes. Your Dad's drinking problem had gotten worse, and this time, his brother was over, which made him even crazier. Although, uncle Ludwig always had uncle Feliciano to keep him in check so that he didn't get too buzzed. 

Your albino father, Gilbert, was an interesting character. His prissy, high-class husband was practically the opposite of him, yet somehow they got along. Feliciano was now in the process of dragging Ludwig to the guest bedroom to prevent him from causing more trouble. Roderich, your father, was making his way over to his husband to give him a stern talking. You texted him that you were getting out for some fresh air and you slipped away. You knew he'd be fine with it. 

This was not the first time this has happened, you see. 

You walked along the sidewalk at a rather swift pace and tried to clear your mind. You didn't have a set destination, but you walked along anyway, pumping your legs back and forth to rid of your rage. You pass an ice-cream shop and sigh, too bad you didn't bring your wallet... You continue along your way, hoping to get to the park before you break down. You flop down on an oak bench at the park, that has little hearts engraved in it. You would always go here with your dad and father, back when you were a happy little family. 

You don't want to cry, but the tears seem to fall upon their own will. Soon enough, you had wet splotches on your denim jeans, and you fogged up your glasses. The glasses that dad had bought you, back before his drinking problem. The glasses you wanted so that you could be more like father. Why did it seem so bad this time? Why were memories flooding your mind, tonight of all  times. This only made the crystal drops of water fall faster. 

You felt a tap on your shoulder and heard a quiet "what's wrong?" You turn around to see a man with shoulder-length golden blonde hair, who had violet eyes that shimmered behind his round glasses. You blush, he was quite attractive, and it was embarrassing for him to see you at such a low, pitiful time. 

"Just a family quarrel, nothing you should concern yourself with." You replied, and looked down sadly. He hesitantly puts his arm around your shoulder and gives you half a hug. You instinctively lean into his shoulder, forgetting your tears for a peaceful moment of silence. 

"I have something that'll cheer you up~!" The man grabs your hand and leads you back the way you came. Before you knew it, you were in that little ice-cream shop. Before you could protest. he had ordered you our favorite ice-cream flavor the way you always had it, and payed for you. 

"How did you know that was my favorite way to have ice cream?" You ask as you thanked him and sat down in a booth. 

"Actually, that's my favorite, and I just got two!" He said, smiling. You sit and eat at your ice-cream for about a minute, then think of something,

"What's your name?" You ask him, 

"Oh! Uh, my name is Matthew, what's your's?"

"I'm (Y/n)." You say, smiling yet again at the quiet man who showed you nothing but kindness. The two of you chat for a bit and exchange numbers. 

"Anytime something happens again, just call me!" The Canadian says. 

"I will," you replied, giving him a quick hug, and you started off on your journey back home. 

"Wait!" Matthew calls, pulling you back. You were about to cross the street but there was a car coming. It seemed to fly past you and you gasped. "How about I walk you home, (Y/n)." You were still a bit shaken from the near-death experience, and all you could do was nod. 

You started a much more cautious way home, not noticing that you were holding Matthew's hand. You blush when you realize it, but you'd never let go. You give him a longer hug when you got to your doorstep, and you bid each-other farewell. 

All you knew, was that that was not going to be that last time you saw each-other. 

Hetalia One-shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon