Germany x Reader

547 12 3

WARNING: Contains self-harm


Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!! Ludwig started freaking out when he woke up in the morning, and he must have shouted "NO!" out loud because Feliciano woke up because of it.

"What's wrong Lud--OH!" For Feliciano had noticed them too. Hundreds of tiny cuts, a blood red, covering both of his arms, all the way from his neck to the ends of his wrists. All over. Both Ludwig and Feliciano had came to the conclusion that Ludwig's soulmate cut themselves. Ludwig had various cuts across his body, anywhere from his thighs and arms to his chest and lower stomach. They had been appearing for about 3 years now, and it was because any type of injury that left a mark was seen on the soulmate's body. 

But this time was different. His soulmate was alive, he knew, but they had probably tried to commit suicide. Once your soulmate dies, the scars that are theirs disappeared. So he still had time, he just didn't know how much. 

Ludwig was always worried about meeting his soulmate. He was never really good at helping people who where dealing with emotional problems, and he hated people looking sad for any reason or crying. Basically, he was bad at comforting people. And he knew that, once he met his self-harming soulmate, they would need lots of love and comfort, and that this type of action was expected from him. He hoped that the time would come sooner, rather than later. 

But his soulmate needed him. And soon. 

He and Feliciano got ready for the day, and decided to go to a nearby hospital to see if his soulmate was brought there for help. They made their way into the E.R. and asked if any suicide victims that were possibly around his age were brought in. He got a questioning look from the lady and then he rolled up his sleeves revealing the cuts and mouthed "from my soulmate, just today" The lady mouthed back "Oh," then called up a co-worker and told her something. The co-worker nodded and then motioned for Ludwig to follow her, leaving Feliciano behind because he insisted that "Ludwig has to do this himself." 

The nurse led Ludwig into a room that was eerily a boring white. Everything, from machines to beds, was white. The nurse pointed to a bed that had a girl with an IV in her arm. She had soft-looking (h/c) hair and looked to be peacefully sleeping - even though Ludwig knew that that wan't the case. This girl was no doubt inches from death, and if she hadn't been brought in earlier, well, Ludwig's scars would have faded. 

Ludwig didn't know what made it, but he grabbed the girl's hand. He felt compelled to hold it in his, maybe he felt that she would feel better and less lonely, he didn't know for sure. He just wanted her to feel better, mentally and physically. 

After about 20 minutes, the girl began to stir. Ludwig let go of her hand for some reason and she started to blink, taking in the hospital light. Her (e/c) eyes locked with Ludwig's icy blue ones and she tilted her head in confusion. "Who...?" she trailed off, not knowing what to say. Ludwig involuntarily blushed. 

"Um... I'm Ludwig, and I..." Ludwig couldn't find out what to say either. The girl noticed his arms and gasped. 

"We!! Ah... Ludwig?" Ludwig looked back at her at the sound of her voice, "Well, we... we match." The girl finishes, solemnly. "I'm (Y/n)." She adds, quietly. Ludwig looked at her for a few seconds and put his hand on her shoulder. 

"(y/n)..." He repeats, as though contemplating something, "That's a nice name." Ludwig then proceeds to show (y/n) a rare smile and bravely grabs her hand again which she gladly takes. The couple sit together like that, waiting for a doctor. 

Soon, the doctor comes in followed by a boy who looked similar to (Y/n). The boy looks at Ludwig suspiciously but then notices that they matched and shrugged it off. He waved to (Y/n) and she smiled, 

"Hi, (b/n). This is Ludwig, my soulmate. Ludwig, this is my brother, (b/n)." (Y/n) introduces Ludwig and the boy. (B/n) gives a nod in understanding, and looks at the doctor, expecting an update on (Y/n)'s condition. The doctor smiles, 

"She'll be able to go home with you this evening," the doctor assures him. (B/n) nods in satisfaction and leaves. Ludwig looks back to (Y/n) in confusion. 

"He has a stutter, so he doesn't talk in front of people he doesn't know well. Lots of times we end up just saying that he's mute." (Y/n) smiles sadly, and Ludwig frowns slightly. He puts his arm around (Y/n) and they exchanged numbers silently. 

They would need mending, that's for sure. But now, Ludwig believed he would be ready for it. 

A/N: That was really depressing, sorry. 


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