Japan x Hungary

83 1 6

Gauken AU

Requested by: Skynide33

The shipping club was sitting together today, looking for potential couples to spy on. Hungary and Japan founded the club together and were currently the club's most supported ship, as they were dating. Hungary suggested that they look for Prussia and Austria because they might be together, but then France spoke up and said that Prussia was not going to be with Austria today. Japan suggested to watch Germany and Italy, who constantly went on dates together. 

So now they sat at the park in various disguises provided by Taiwan who stole them from Japan. It was Poland who spotted them sitting on a bench near the fountain. Taiwan and Hungary took various pictures while Japan was having a slight nosebleed upon seeing them kiss. France whispered "canon" after the kiss and the group fell into a fit of giggles that caused their cover to be blown, earning them a mild scolding from Germany and an embarrassed Italy. 

Japan was the first to apologize, and then he suggested to go look for America. France started to laugh, hopeful of finding his Canada with America, as the two were close. Hungary gave in and then they went to the ice-cream shop, since they both loved ice-cream so much. The group made their way over and indeed Hungary's hunch was correct, they were at the ice-cream shop. 

Canada had maple ice-cream and America had bright Superman ice-cream, and they were having a nice conversation between themselves. America's river-like eyes were glistening. The couple were sitting at a table-for-two, and they were holding hands under the table. Japan snapped a picture and Hungary sighed, the two subconsciously locking fingers together. Taiwan noticed Japan and Hungary holding hands and nudged France in the side, who let out a "honhon" and took a picture. 

Hungary's shipping senses were on and she looked down to see that she and Japan were holding hands. She blushed slightly but didn't let go and even leaned in closer to Japan, hearing multiple clicks behind her from the infamous club camera. Japan noticed this, too and pulled Hungary into a warm embrace, suddenly feeling bold and sure of himself due to the starting of the club in the first place. He started the shipping club to find love, and they now had. He leaned in closer and actually kissed Hungary on the lips and smiled under the kiss in realization of her kissing him back. 

That caused the entire club to cheer, and the entire club to be kicked out of the dainty ice-cream shop. But it was worth it. 

A/N: WOW! 1.2K views!! Thanks so much for this, and thanks for the request. I'm sorry that it's really short, writer's block is sooooooooo bad right now oof. 

Any other requests for x reader/ country x country? 


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