Extra- 1: A Glimpse of the Past

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A/N: Okay, so I really wanted to post this extra, as depressing as it is. The idea occured to me and I just had to do it. So... wind time back around a year to when Nao was preparing for the regional dance tournament and her family was still alive. Then... well... hopefully I don't depress you guys too much!

It jumps around a little, but that's just the way things came out.

“Neechan! Oneechaaaan!”

Gritting my teeth, I spun around to hit pause on the C.D. player as Akihiko came running into the room. His hair was a wild mess on his head and his eyes wide and excited. A bit of my irritation died away into curiosity as I noticed his expression.

“Well, what is it?”

“Neechan, I won!”

Confused, I simply gave him an annoyed expression.

“Won what?”

“Won our bet! You said I couldn’t get invited to that tournament and I did! They just called!”

I blinked slowly, attempting to pull up what he was talking about. When it came to Akihiko and his obsession with kendo, something I’m rather certain he started to impress our uncle, I’d often began to tune out his conversations about it. When I finally remembered, I was even more confused than before.

“Wait, you just now got invited? Isn’t that tournament tomorrow?” I demanded.

Akihiko grinned, giving an excited nod of his head.

“Uh-huh! Okaasan said that we can leave tonight, so that I’ll be there with plenty of time for me to register to compete tomorrow! I got invited cause the guy above me in ranking dropped out, so I got his spot. Awesome, right? I’m awesome, aren’t I Neechan?”

Rolling my eyes, I spun around to adjust the C.D. player so that it would go back to the beginning of the song.

“Uh-huh, just amazing.”

“You’re coming, aren’t you?” Akihiko questioned, his voice becoming hesitant.

I could hear him cross the room. While I thought the idea over, he grabbed my arm and tugged it to turn me around to face him. A small, irritated sigh escaped me as I realized that, rightfully, I should say ‘of course I’ll come’. At the same time, one of the biggest tournaments of my dancing career took place in two days. If I wasn’t completely prepared I could kiss goodbye my chances of qualifying for the nationals this year. Last year had been a mess and if I wanted to make up for it I had to qualify this year as well.

Which meant I needed to place in this regional tournament.

“I don’t know…” I muttered, averting my eyes from his suddenly downcast expression. “You know I’m busy…”

“Neechan,” he whined. “You have to come! I always come to your tournaments!”

Guilt bit me, but I shook my head, pulling my arm away from him as I straightened up.

“Sorry, there will always be other tournaments, right? Tell Okaasan and Otousan that I’m going to stay and keep practicing. I’ll probably work through dinner, too. I’ll grab a snack later.”

“That’s not fair!” Akihiko snapped, clenching his fists at his sides as he glared at me. “Not fair at all! You should come!”

Irritation replaced my guilt as I sent him a glare in return.

“You know how important my tournament is! I need to practice until the last minute! I can’t afford to waste time, Aki.”

My irritation disappeared in a split-second as soon as I caught sight of the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Before he could run out of the room, however, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward so I could kneel in front of him.

Yours to Hold (An OHSHC fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now