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"Come with me, Marri and Jin," The general motioned the two girls as everyone else stayed in their seats. Katara looked over at the prince who stood up and followed his uncle into the other room.

Varo looked around as they were now alone, "Guys, I haven't been able to sleep," She whispered towards the three girls, "I get this uneasy feeling," She mumbled as Mai who was sitting next to her placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Stop shaking," She stated firmly as she pointed towards Varo's hands. Her finger were slightly shaking and when pointed out one can clearly see them.

Varo placed down her spoon, "I can't, my hands have always been so shaky," She hid them under the table, "I don't know whether it's because I'm always scared of what's going to happen, or cause these visions freak me out," She admitted.

Suki looked over at Katara and both girls had a sympathetic expression towards the Fire Nation commoner.

"Ever since I was little, I get these vague visions and most of them were very scary. At the age nine, I got one of my parent's death. I told my nana, and she took me soon after they did died," She closed her eyes as she recalled the terrible incident, "That old women said it was a gift, but I never saw it that way," She admitted.

Mai rolled her eyes before she extended her arm out and grabbed Varo's,"It is a gift, with immense power comes consequences," she stated.

Suki leaned forward, "Varo, we can continue this later, I hear them coming back," Suki whispered as the girl nodded and began to eat her food.

The door opened as it was the general and Zuko. The prince took his seat next to his uncle, "So, girls how have you like these past days'" The general questioned as he looked specifically at Katara.

"It's been really fun," Suki answered as she didn't know what else to say. Since she hasn't really been spending time with the girls but with Sokka instead.

Katara took over as she knew about her whereabouts, "I felt like we really got to know each other," She answered honestly.

Varo and Mai remained quiet, "I see, and what exactly did you learned about each other?" He asked another question.

"Honestly, Suki and I have met before," Katara admitted as then she turned to Varo, "And, I learned a lot about Varo: who she is, where she is from, and her story," She answered as the girl sent her a smile.

"I feel like I can trust everyone here," Varo stated as she looked at all girls including Mai.

The general looked pleased at all response as the prince glanced over to Katara who looked back at him. She noticed as she flushed into a tiny red before looking away as he tried his best not to chuckle.

"We only have seven days left on this beautiful island," The general stated grabbing all their attentions, "These seven days, we will spend more time getting close. My nephew will be apart of it since I want him to see the real you. Not some fake act that one can hold for two hours," He explained eyeing every girl.

The general knew how these girls act towards one another, now it's only matter of time til they act like their true selves in front of the prince. He also knew that if Katara is who she has presented herself then he would know that she is the one for his nephew.


It was the next morning, and the four girls were alone for an hour til the prince arrived to join them. Suki was glad because ever since last night she had been worried about Varo.

"These feelings or visions," Suki began as the girl placed a strand behind her ear. Her hair was currently half-up a hairstyle that she really liked, "What triggers them?"

Varo looked around as Katara was right beside her, "Usually comes out of nowhere, the only time I ever gotten a full vision was when I was little. It's was the first one I ever received. I remember running to my mother to tell her about it since I was scared of what I saw. She reassured me it was nothing, but then my father said otherwise," she continued as she closed her eyes, remembering her younger self listening to her parent's conversation.

She had been hiding behind the furniture as her father was currently upset, "If we don't take her to my mother, she will lose her mind," He argued.

The woman shook her head, "That witch will do something to her; she will teach her other doings that I will not have my daughter exposed to," She remarked as she pursed her lips.

He shook his head annoyed, "It's a type of bending that goes with spiritual growth," He defended his mother. It sounds ridiculous, but how else can there be an explanation.

"How did she inherit that if there's not a single Nomad that is alive," She yelled out as she turned around and headed into her room.

Katara shook Varo slightly bringing her back to reality, "Varo, I believe the only way to solve this while we can is if you practice how to control it," She explained, "If you dedicate time to practice it and you are able to manipulate your power then you won't fear it," She finished explaining.

Suki looked over at Katara weary about her words, "I guess that makes sense," Varo mumbled to herself as the doors flew open, revealing the prince.

Mai eyed the blue-eyed girl as she knew something was odd about her, "What were you guys talking about?" The prince questioned as he plopped himself next to Katara.

"Family," Suki stated as he nodded.

"What about family?" He asked for clarification.

Katara looked down at her hands, "Just a few values and beliefs, nothing so serious," She explained while he nodded somewhat understanding.

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