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"Prince Zuko," Jin stopped in her tracks as the prince stopped. She looked over at the window, "For our next date, can it be outside?" She asked as the prince nodded.

"Yeah," He assured as he grabbed Jin's hand and planted a soft kiss on it, "This will conclude the end of our date," He stated as the girl eyed the prince.

She moved her hand and looked at the prince. She took a few steps closer as she planted a kiss on him. After taking that risk, she pulled back and looked at the Prince's reaction.

He gave her a soft smile as he excused himself and turned around, "I'll see you around Jin,"

As he made a turn towards the hall he spotted Katara. She noticed his appearance as she gave him a small wave before wanting to head back to her room.

He quickly held on to her hand, "Hey Kat," He greeted with a smile. She gave him a small smile.

"Yes, Prince Zuko?" She asked as she looked past the boy infront of her. She had saw his interaction with Jin, and she was upset that they were kissing. But, she knew that she couldn't do much about it since this is a selection.

He lifted a brow, "Are you jealous?" He teased with an arched eyebrow.

Katara shook her head as she turned her head, "No, of course not," She looked at her nails.

The prince was suprised to see the girl jealous, she never seem like the type, but it did mean that she felt something towards him. "You know Kat, all these girls kiss me," He began.

The waterbender rolled her eyes, "Are you serious?" She asked in disbelief.

The prince ignored her as he continued, "I can't do much, but if I truly liked someone I would be the one to initiate the kiss, and I haven't done that at all," He explained as he walked to his planned destination.

His hand was already holding on to the Waterbender, "Isn't our date planned later?" Katara asked.

"Forget that, I want to show you something," Zuko stated as Katara sighed and followed him through the palace.

Before he goes to pick up Suki, he had wanted to drop off Katara in Sokka's room. He wanted to give the two some time to bond, and he was hoping to see Katara's reaction.

The waterbender followed him as he took her down a different hall. She hasn't been here before, and she saw how he had stopped and opened a door. He poked his head in, and then dragged Katara inside, "I been meaning to ask you where you have go-"

"Hey Katara," Sokka waved his to little sister as she was surprised to see him. She looked back at Zuko as he sent her a smile.

She ran up to her brother and wrapped her arms around him, "Sokka," She exclaimed. The two siblings hugged each other as the waterbender got somewhat teary, "When did you arrive?" She asked.

"Yesterday, afternoon," Zuko answered as she turned around and looked at the prince. That is where he had gone. He went out to find her brother.

She gave him a hug as a gratitude, "Thank you Zuko," She thanked him as he nodded and hugged her back. The moment the two pulled away, Zuko looked at Katara and eyed her lips.

He saw how rosy they were, "Gross not in my room," Sokka exclaimed as he got in between the prince and his sister.

Zuko chuckled as he crossed his arms, "I'll have to go, but I'll be back to pick you up for our date," He explained as he left the room leaving the two siblings alone.

"So, you and the prince," He teased with a slight arch of his eyebrow, "So much for promising you wouldn't fall for him,"

Katara rolled her eyes, "I thought he was going to be mean, and evil." She admitted.

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