The Proccess Reagans Pov.

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After shoving the shirt onto me Luke grabs my hand and drags me to Ashton's room. "It's time to tell her" Ash said as he sat on his bed "Yeap ik they already told Lilly" Luke replied "Tell me what?" I ask as Luke drags me to Ashton's bed and pulls me to his lap as he sits down. Pulling me close he says "The proccess. the mating Proccess." Ashton says looking at me "Ok so let me go ahead and get it over with. Ok so when you chose your mate we have to have sex which will tie our souls together. After your mate will change you, which is me or Ash of course. When your mate changes you, he has to drink your blood and then you drink his, after that you have to die and come back to a vampire form." Luke informs me leaving me bewildered. "Wait what is I don't chose?" I ask "then one of us will forcefully claim you, you only have 6 more weeks" Ash says simply "What happens to the person I don't chose?" I ask "He leaves or he dies"Luke replies making my heart drop. I only have a few more weeks with these guys. "Don't worry Rey we will wait till your ready" says Luke. Engulfing Ash and Luke in a big hug I start sobbing "everything will be ok"says Ash rubbing my back "I love both of you though" I sob even louder "Just go with your heart you still have almost a little over a month" Luke says. As I sob Ash lays me down on his bed and says "why don't you go to sleep you've had a long day" "Ok" I say through tears as I snuggle up under his comfterable blankets. Laying down beside me Luke gives me a kiss and them grabs my hand and placing it on his chest as Ash lays on my other side and switches on his tv. This will be so hard I think to my self as I close my eyes and snuggle in between my mates.

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