Chapter 37 ( The Hybrid Next Door )

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Abby's Pov:

I'am watching Vampires Academy in my living room tonight. I'm alone coz my friends was busy on their nights out. I choose to be alone for a while. I'm not in a mood to go in a night clubs and attending parties. I played a role of being a loner for now.

My eyes was focus on the screen coz the scene was so intensed right now. But I got distracted when I heard someone talking outside the door of my condo. I remember that the condo next to mine was vacant. Maybe someone occupied it now.

I heard two guys having a conversation. Using my hearing ability, I can clearly heard what their talking too. Wait a minute! Why does the other voice sounds familiar to me? It feels like I've already heard his voice but I don't remember when and where.

I decided to open the door and be polite to our new neighbors. I paused the movie I'm watching and walked outside my condo. The moment I open the door, a gorgeous and attractive man with oozing personality showed up in front of me.

Shit! Why he really look so pleasant to stared at? He's also staring at me. He's holding a box of pizza on his right arms. His dark gray eyes are roaming all over my face down to my body. That's when I realize I'm only wearing a lacy negligee!

Damn! Why I didn't notice my clothes before? We stared at each other and the sudden attraction towards us was unpredictable. In a blink of an eye, he already standing in front of me. He just dropped the box of pizza on the floor and pulled me closer to him.

Gosh! Why I'am feeling this longing for a guy I didn't even known! This is crazy! I step back inside my condo and he followed. He locked the door instantly the moment we entered my room. Shit! What was happening to me?

Why I feel like I've known him before? But this is the first time I saw him for pitty sake! No, this is wrong. He better leave now! He encircled his arms around my waist.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked. He smiled.

"I miss you."

That's the only words he said before he kissed me hungrily. Jeez! Why is he doing this to me? I didn't responded to his kisses but he's really persistent. I know this is wrong coz I don't even know him, but the next thing I knew, I've already responded to his kisses.

I encircled my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to mine. Our kissed deepened. He caressed my back down to my spine, then to my hips. I do the same way to him. The intense pleasure started to grow between us.

He pushed me in the middle of my bed and he followed me there. He kissed me again. His hand started to roamed all over my body. I found myself ripping his shirt just to feel his body against mine. I need him right now.

I need to feel his touch, his caressed, his kissed. I need all of him. Shit! I didn't feel this kind of needs even before. This is the first time I've been intimate with someone. And worst, to a total stranger! I know my heart was broken but I'm not a sex starved for pitty sake!

But this guy was really different. He makes me feel on fire. He makes me feel that I really needed him all this time. I can't resist his charm. I can't stop him right now. All I want to do is make live to him until I've got satisfied. Until my heart was totally contended.

Until were both breathless and passed out from tiredness. And that's what we did. I don't know how long our love making last. We just did it like there's no tomorrow. Like as if we really missed each other for too long. And that's weird for me.

All this time, I thought Cley was the only one I really wanted to get intimate with, but the moment I saw this man, my gosh! I lost it all! I lost everything to the hybrid next door that I only saw a minutes ago. Am I really this desperate and frustrated in my life?

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