Chapter 1 ( The Beginning)

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Berlyn's Pov:

Kring... Kring... Kring...

I jumped on my bed when I heard the sound of my alarm clock. It's 6 o'clock in the morning. Yeah,
right! It's time for me to prepared. Well,
no one else can help me but myself. I'm alone since I was six years old.

My mom and dad both died when I was six. We're being attacked by rouges. For what reason? I don't know. We're just an ordinary wolves.

Nothing special. Since they left me, I learnt to live on my own. I learnt everything although it's really hard. I learnt how to cook, to clean, to hunt food and learnt to forget who am I , as a werewolf.

I don't want to be like mom and dad. I don't want to experience everything they go through. I want to live a simple and peaceful life.

And my cover up? I forced myself to live as a real human. I'm attending classes, mingle with my classmates and friends.

I work as a part timer in a restaurant so that I can provide for my basic needs as a human. At the age of eighteen I have a lot of things to do.

I want to finish college, to work as a law enforcer, to have my own family. A normal family. Not as a wolf, but as a human.

I know it's impossible, but I can maked it. I hate the law of a werewolf race. Most specially that called "MATE" thing.

Wherein at the age of eighteen you're going to meet your mate, your destiny and your other half? I'm glad that until now I didn't experience it. And I hope it never happened to me, ever! It's disgusting. Love at first sight?

What the heck? I never believed those things. My mom keep on saying that once you laid your eyes on that person, you know exactly that he's the one.

That once you met him, you can feel that as if you don't want to be far away anymore. That you can't live without him. You're going to follow him all around.

Missing him. Longing for him. Weird. That's totally weird. But that's what happened with mom and dad. They keep on telling me about it since I was five?

I barely think that's the story my mom repeatedly told me when I'm about to sleep, that's why I can't forget about it. They keep on lingering in my mind like, as if I have an LSS. ( Last Song Syndrome).

And gladly, I know I can use it as an advantage in the near future. Well, you know, if ever I met my mate, I can use it as a strategy so that I can avoid him. I can ignore him.

And I would thank mom for that common knowledge.

I thought that if ever I met him, I'm not going to look in his eyes, so that we don't have an eye contact. I hope it works.

" Tss. Enough of that non- sense thought, Berlyn." I told myself.

Instead of thinking about it, I grab my towel hanging on my closet. I rushed to go to the bathroom. I needed to take a shower before I go to school.

This is my second week as a senior high student in DVU ( Del Valle University). And this year, my high school life will ended and my college life will soon begin.

I want to be a law enforcer. I want action, thrill and of course to serve and protect everyone surrounds me. Most specially my friends.

And I'm sure, if I have a proper training in combat fighting, firing and self defense, no one can hurt me, nor my friends. I will do my best to protect everyone from those bastard rouges. Not only rogues, but also those harmful human beings like criminals.

Well I guess rouges and criminals are the same. The only difference is that, rouges are werewolves while criminals are human. But they are both harmful, dangerous and threaten to our society.

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