Chapter 30 ( Teardrops )

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Berlyn's Pov:

Days began to passed. After Cley told me that he already find his mate, the news began to spread through out the campus. But I'm not the one who spread it, okay. I don't know who announced that news.

Of course for those human students in DVU, they are only aware that Cley was already have a girlfriend. But with us– whose supernatural and know the history of a werewolf finding his mate, we are aware that his mate will become a Luna for sure and their going to live happily ever after together with their puffs!

Everyone in the campus look so disappointed including me, and worst, Abby. Well, I'm aware that Abby really like Cley too. Who wouldn't, right? But unlike Abby, I already accepted that it's really impossible for me to be with Cley coz he already find his mate.

Abby was so furious about it. She even talked to Cley personally to confessed her feelings, but Cley rejected her. Abby was a hopeless case, I think. Well, I don't want to do that, okay.

I don't want to humiliate myself to someone when I've already known that he belong to someone else. I'd rather keep it to myself then, than to look so pathetic in front of him.

Since our encounter on the gymnasium and we sleep together on that cabin that night, Cley started to approached me. Maybe he's now considered me as one of his friends like Vladimir and Andrei.

Everytime were in school, he's always make his way to be with me even for a short period of time. That's what friends are for, right? I'm just glad that even he find his mate, our friendship still the same.

He's always there everytime Abby was bullying me and make fun out of me. I don't even have a chance to meet Jade, but I'm sure one of this day, he's going to introduce her in front of us. I just hope that I've already move on if that happens.

"Berlyn, did you know about the news?" Roseshell asked me.

Here we go again. Of course I already known. I even heard it personally with Cley. I don't want to hear it anymore.

"Yeah, why?" I said.

"How are you coping up then? I know you're hurt even you really looked fine today." Roseshell said.

She really knows me! Well, Roseshell and Leslie already knows about my true feelings for Cley. Remem that time when I get drunked and I open up about Cley while crying nonstop? That was the time they find about it.

I already admitted to them that I'm in love with Cley, and that's it! And now that Roseshell and Leslie also known that Cley already find his mate, and it's not me, they are both worried about me.

There's nothing to worry about it. I can handle myself. I can control my feelings, okay. In front of them, I acted like "Hey, I'm fine. Everything will gonna be alright. I can move on. I'm strong, right?"

That's what they knew how I cope up. But the moment I'm already alone in my room, that was the time when I needed to cry out loud without worrying that somebody can heard or see me on that pathetic condition. Atleast, I'am not that worst like Abby, right? Or am I too?

"I've told you already a hundred times. I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. It's just me who have a feelings for him, okay. I can get over with it." I said.

We are now sitting on the bleachers outside our classroom near the English park. It's lunch break.

"Are you sure?" Roseshell asked.

"I'm sure." I said.

"Okay. If you said so. By the way, I have another news. Bad news to be exact." She said again.

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