Chapter 3 ( Operation "Ignore Him".)

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Berlyn's Pov:

" Berlyn wait. Why suddenly in a rush? Is there something wrong?" Leslie asked while following me.

"Nothing. We're late, so hurry up." I just said to avoid being asked.

I don't want to open up this time. Well, I know she's my best friend but what's bothering me now is something I'm hundred percent sure she can't understand.

It's just between me and that stranger. I think I'm going crazy when I look at him. Thanks be to God I control myself and I just ignore him. There's something on him that makes me feel like I'm on fire.

He makes me nervous. Makes me think of something I can't even imagine in my entire life. He makes me feel weak. He makes me feel numb. He makes me feel like I'm in love for the first time, and worst at first sight!

For pitty sake. Is this what my mom always told me before? That he's my mate? Is he? Oh my!

"Breath, Berlyn, breath. Mind over body. Focus. You need to ignore him. Don't be affected by his charm. You want a normal life, right? So stood still. You can do it. You dont need him. You can stand alone. You can live on your own. Your brave and strong enough to handle yourself most specially your emotion. You dont need someone like him." I sighed as I convince myself about what im going to do.

"Ignore him. Just ignore him. Everytime you see him, just pretend that you don't. Act like he never existed."  I said to myself unaware that I said it out loud, enough to be heared.

"Who? I mean, whose your going to ignore and whose never existed?" Leslie asked,feeling confused.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. Let's go, dont mind me. You know, sometimes I'm a little bit crazy, right? Talking nonsense, joking around, talking to myself."

I smile at her. But deep inside, I felt so sorry. Leslie is my best friend. She told me everything about her. About her crush, family, ups and down. Even a little bit details about her life, she's always share it to me.

While here I am. I have so many secret I can't open up with her. Not because I can't trust her but I am afraid that I might lose her if she find out what's the real me.

Sometimes I think that it's okay to keep it a secret, so that we can avoid complications. She's a normal human being, but I'm not. And I know if she knew, I will never be able to be with her again. I might lose her, and that's what I am afraid of.

It's better for her to stay on the thought that I'm just a normal human being like her, than to know the truth and be afraid once she knew.

When we reach our classroom, I saw him over there, sitting beside his friends Andrei, Allen and Erl. If it's possible not to get inside that classroom, I will do it. But I need to study.

I don't want  to give him a reason to get suspicious about being avoided. All I can do right now is just pretend that he don't exist in this classroom. And if ever he approach me, ignore him.

That's the only way I can survive when his around. It's the only way I can protect myself from him.

"Leslie, let's take a sit here." I said, and put my back pack in a last row of seats. He's in front row, that's why I need to be distant. I don't want to be near him as much as possible.

"Here? I don't like it here, Berlyn. Let's go in a front row. I can't concentrate if I am too far from our professor. And you also prefer on a front seat always, right?" She said and walk away towards the front seat without being aware how I hate to be in front right now.

"Hi, Leslie. Come here, you can sit beside me." It's Andrei. One of his friend who offer a seat for Leslie. She just smile and look at me.

"Berlyn, is it okay with you?" She asked.

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