Chapter 15 ( Falling Apart )

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Berlyn's Pov:

Days begin to past. Before I knew it, it's already Saturday. I woke up with a sweet smile on my face. Saturday and Sunday is my day off. I'am excited today coz I'm gonna see Cley again. I missed him already.

I know that two days is not enough to be with him but it's okay. We both have our responsibilities. Him, with his pack and me with my work.

I know it's kinda hard. But I know we can do this. I have so many plans for today. I'm gonna take him to the Central Park, watch a movie together, dinner date, watch along the skyscrapers.

I know he's gonna love it! And I'll make sure that he's going to enjoy this two days being with me. Seriously, Berlyn? Your the one whose gonna take him out on a date? It's his duty, you know.

But I don't care. As long as I love him, no one can stop me from showing how much he mean to me. Even if it means I'm the one who insist the date? I don't care at all.

I'm just so glad that he's by my side. Just the tought of making him so happy makes my heart fluttered and contented at all. And no one can hindered it. Period!

I've decided to take a shower and dressed up. Just a simple blue  dress length above the knee and simple flip flop. Any minute, Cley will be here. Maybe he's already in the airport by this time.

I've already texted him but he didn't reply. The last few days, he didn't contact me either. I know he's just busy in the pack house and I understand that. I'm also busy in my work, so it's okay.

My worries begun  to bother me when it's almost five pm but he's not here yet. I tried to call him but he is unattended. I tried to call Leslie but she's not answering too. And so as Andrei.

Cley was expected to be here in my condo this morning, but it's already afternoon and he didn't show up. He didn't even texted me if he can't make it today if there's an emergency in Forks.

Andrei and Leslie ignored my call also. Is there something wrong? Is there a problem in Forks? Or are they making fun of me again? Are they trying to surprise me? Or make a prank on me?

I tried to calm myself. Thinking too much isn't helping me at all. My plans for today already ruined. I decided to prepared  dinner.

Maybe Cley will be here before dinner. Maybe there's a problem in the pack house that's why he's late. Yeah, he's only late.  Or maybe there's a problem on his flight. Maybe it's being postponed for an hour?

Shit! What was happening? Okay, Berlyn. Relax. Chill out. It's okay. Everything will be alright. Cley will be here. Think positive. Cley miss you so much and he's eager to see you too. So, just wait for him and everything will be settled once he's here.

Even I'm so confused right now, I'm still able to prepared for dinner. I just prepared a steak that I know Cley's favorite. Vegetable salad, leche plan and pineapple juice. I also bake some cookies for him.

After I prepared the dinning table and the food, I've decided to take a shower again. It's already seven pm. After taking a shower, I've change my dress. I just wear pajamas and t-shirt. I think we're not going on a date today.

I've already finish all I need to do but still no trace of Cley. To ease my boredom, I decided to watch a movie. Maybe I'm so stress thinking about him and preparing for dinner so I can't help myself from falling asleep.

I suddenly woke up when the clock alarmed for twelve midnight. Shit! It's already twelve and Cley didn't show up. Still no text and calls from him. How dare him do this to me?

I started to panicked. I go to dinning table to eat, alone. Who else I'm gonna share this food?  When I'm done eating, I place the food in fridge. I sat on a sofa and begin to think again.

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