Like An Anime, It's A Filler

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"Are you sure this is everything" asked Tord.

"Yes, we were very thorough." said Conner.

Tord sighs as he looks at the plans they gathered of the base. Everything looked the same, but the arcade was removed and turned into some kind of prison hold.

"Where the arcade used to be, it might be possible that's where the fusions are being held, any idea on how the fusions are doing?" asked Tord.

"We caught a few shots of them, they seem to be acting like soldiers." said Nathan.

He points to a monitor to pull up a few pictures. People with extra limbs appear on screen and Tord hums.

As he looks closer, he notices something on the fusions, more so since a few other soldiers are in the photos as well.

"What's around the fusions necks?" asked Tord.

Nathan looks closer to zoom in on one.

"A collar?" he wondered.

"Hey, maybe that's why the fusions are being soldiers, maybe the collars are like mind control things, like from the movies." said Edd.

"Perhaps, it's the only thing that'd make sense, especially since they were kidnapped." said Tord.

Tom looks at the screen to chug from his flask. As he stares, he narrows his eyes a bit.

"Hey wait, the reports said they were kidnapped separately, so why are they fused now, even mind control collars can't force a fusion." said Tom.

"Huh, he has a point." said Mel.

"Great, just when it seems we're getting answer, boom, we get more questions." groaned Paul.

"Patience, we do want answers, but sometimes getting more questions can be a good thing." said Tord.

Paul lifts an eyebrow to then look at Patryk. He just shrugs when his eyes widen.

"Paul, uh, your eyebrow is flying away." said Patryk.

"Say what, ugh, AGAIN!" yelled Paul.

He looks up to see his busy eyebrow flying above his head. The others stare as he runs after it, trying to catch it.

"Is this normal?" asked Tom.

"Yes, this is the sixth time I've seen it, I'm starting to think those eyebrows are real caterpillars." said Tord.

Edd snorts as Paul runs by him. Another laugh escapes.

"He has one eyebrow now." laughed Edd.

The others laugh as Paul jumps and grabs his eyebrow.

"Gotcha." he cheered.

He slaps it on his face to sigh.

"Alright, now that that's settled, we need a plan to get inside." said Tord.

"It's still your base, isn't there, like a secret tunnel to get in and out?" asked Tom.

"I never put that in, thought it'd be too cliche and predictable." said Tord.

"Ya, gotta keep the audience on their toes." said Edd.

At that, a loud shatter fills the room. They look to see Matt holding a hammer and a large, jagged hole in the air.

"I found a hammer!" cheered Matt.

"Dammit Matt, stop breaking the fourth wall, this is the third time!" yelled Edd.

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