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It was dark, why was it so dark and quiet. Well, almost quiet, he swears he can hear a faint beeping.

But, it sounds so far away.

Tord tries to move, to look for a way out of the dark, but he couldn't move. It was like he's frozen in place, he struggles, trying to fight his body to move, to escape the darkness.

It doesn't work, he's stuck.

Tord feels his breathing pick up, what's going on, where is he?! As his breathing picks up, the strange beeping in the distance seems to speed up too.

"Heart....increasing....going....arrest.....the.....cart." came a voice.

Tord pauses, was that a voice, it sounds familiar.

He tries to turn his head, feeling it strain as he slowly, and stiffly moves it to the side.

Where was that voice coming from.

The beeping sound is now a loud and annoying siren, hurting the devil haired man's ears.

"Not...we must....awake." came the voice again.

Tord tries to open his mouth, to call for help, when a sharp pain courses through his chest. Tord's eyes widen, mouth open in a silent scream of pain.

What was happening, why was this happening?!

The pain soon fades and Tord finds himself crashing to the ground, gasping for air as tears run down his cheeks.

The beeping returns, no longer a siren, with those voices now a mere whisper.

Tord closes his eyes, sniffling as he recovers from the shock.

Was this a nightmare, if so, why does it feel so real, and why can't he wake up?

Tord opens his eyes again, seeing the darkness and feeling so alone. Why was he here, and why does it feel like he's forgotten something?


Tom stares in shock as he watches Mel and Sal use the crash cart on his boyfriend.

He can hear crying beside him, knowing that Edd was scared with Matt no doubt trying to calm the brunette down. But the eyeless man was more concerned with his boyfriend who was getting shocked back to life.

Everything had happened so fast, with the Red Army Base collapsing and crushing Tord under heavy debris. They'd been teleported back before anymore fell but Tord had been badly hurt.

Half his face was torn up with his eye damaged and they even had to amputate his arm because it was so bad.

That was a week ago, and still Tord refused to wake up, and just when he seemed to be doing better, his heart rate increased and then went into cardiac arrest.

'A heart attack, we've faced zombies, Hell, a hockey mask wearing freak, our asshole neighbors and he almost dies to a heart attack.' thought Tom.

It was too normal for them, and something Tord would be embarrassed by. But he wasn't here, he was in the room, dying.

He presses his head against the window, his tail moving slowly as he waits.

That's all he can do is wait. There no monster to fight, no one to flip off for dumbass words, it was a coma and Tom couldn't fight that. Waiting was all he could do.

The beeping of the heart monitor returns and he lifts his head to see the two scientists nodding to each other.

This allowed Tom to breathe a sigh of relief. Tord was okay, least for the time being.

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