Chapter 17

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I awoke with a start, an odd tingling sensation on the back of my neck. I looked around, confused, realizing I was not in my room... or my bed.

The events of the previous night came flooding back as the tingling on my neck became more intense. I looked quickly toward the window, reveling in the red and orange hues of the sunrise for only a moment before standing up and heading toward the door.

I cursed quietly as I reached the exit, noticing Jounouchi was no where to be found. Dread filled my stomach as I swiftly left his room and ran into my own, the tingling in my neck ceasing as I entered the comforting darkness.

I could not shake the feeling that something was wrong as I silently paced in my room. Where could Jounouchi have gone? It was very abnormal for him to be up this early. Though I am usually at work by now, Mokuba frequently complains about having to wait hours for Jounouchi to wake.

After a few more minutes of pacing I sighed to myself. It wasn't doing any good walking around my room... I could at least go get some work done until it turned dark.

Cautiously I opened my bedroom door. Luckily there weren't any windows in the hall so I could easily get to my office safely. I crept down the hall my soft foot steps sounding like an elephant in the eerie silence. Once in the room, my thoughts immediately returned to Jounouchi as I walked to the large desk and begrudgingly sat down. My heart ached for all that he had been through as my blood boiled, wanting revenge. I would never let them take him. Whether it was human or vampire I would find a way to keep him safe.

A twinge of sadness crept into my heart as I thought about Jounouchi's hatred for vampires. Who could blame him? The only thing he has seen was the blood sucking heartless monsters that the world makes them out to be.

I sighed sadly, my hands motionless on my keyboard as realization struck. Being with Jounouchi was now even more impossible than it was before.

I shook my head firmly, pushing the unwanted thoughts away.

I delved into my work, moving quickly and efficiently. I tried my best to turn my mind off, avoiding thoughts of Jounouchi, as I lost myself within the mounds of paperwork on my desk.

I was brought back to the present when Mokuba busted into the room, turning on the light as he did so.

"Onii-Sama!!!!" He shouted, practically running to where I sat.

"Mokuba what's wrong?" I asked, my brow furrowing at the panic in his voice.

"Jounouchi is gone!" He said. "I have searched the entire mansion and he is no where to be found!"

I felt dread in the pit of my stomach as I looked at the clock. It was 12 in the afternoon. I still had several hours before the sun set.

"Onii-Sama! What if he gets beat up again?! He shouldn't have left alone!"

"I know Mokuba..." I said as I forced myself to calm down. There was nothing I could do right now, until the sun went down I was stuck.

I looked at Mokuba, his face full of worry.

"Go call Yugi and the others, maybe he is just out shopping or something... Have them look at his usual hangouts."

Mokuba nodded, turning to leave.

"Mokuba..." I said, stopping him. "I'm sure even if I tell you to stay home your going to go anyway... Just at least stay with the others. Don't go out alone."

Mokuba gave me a sly grin before running back to hug me.

"Don't worry Onii-Sama! I will stay with Yugi and Yami." I gently patted him on the head before he left. My stomach was turning. I had a strong feeling that Jounouchi wasn't just out for a stroll...

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