Chapter 10

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It was early evening and I found myself once again sitting in a large chair next to Jounouchi's bed, the blond boy still sound asleep.

After the first night I had Duo help me move him to a guest room since I wasn't about to crawl in bed with him and sleeping on that reclining chair wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. Yet every night after the sun went down I found myself here, finding comfort in his even breaths.

It had been four days since I found him in the alley and he has yet to awaken.

For some reason Mokuba was ecstatic to have Jounouchi here. Every day he would visit him, hoping for a playmate when he woke up.

Mokuba had also adjusted to my new schedule without question. I had told him that I needed to spend more time focusing on the company rather than school and would be in the office most days. He never questioned why I went in so early or came home so late, though he has insisted on me wearing sweaters in the house because I was always so cold.

I laughed to myself. Even as a vampire I managed to live life during the day and sleep at night. Granted I had to stay in my office until the sun went down, at least I could still be on Mokuba's schedule.

I looked at the blond boy.

His face was peaceful, despite the few bandages that covered his healing cuts. Some of the bruises on his body were starting to fade while the fresh ones seemed to grow darker. The ever present frown on my face deepened as I considered the aged bruises on Jounouchi's delicate skin. My mind flashed back to the last day I had seen him before I was changed, how he cringed from the slightest touch and the worried faces from his friends.

I sighed. Speaking of his friends...

I made the mistake of letting Yugi know where Jounouchi was since Mokuba had told me he and his friends were worried sick and on the brink of getting the whole city involved in searching for him.

Now they came to visit every day. Like clockwork they were on my doorstep 15 minutes after school ended.

I avoided them for the most part since I was frequently at my office in the Kaiba Corp. building from dawn until dusk. But there have been several occasions that they were still here, long after I returned from work. I rubbed my forehead in frustration. The last thing I wanted was Yugi and his posse in my house every day.

Jounouchi snorted slightly in his sleep, bringing my mind back to the present. I sighed once again, knowing that as long as it made Jounouchi happy I would allow his friends here.

I have had a lot of time to think about what Duo said the past four days.

While I still wasn't sure if it was love, I have come to terms with the fact that I care very deeply for Jounouchi. More than just a friend.

The realization constantly boggles my mind. I had never considered my sexual orientation and I have found little interest in both men and women. I have always walked through life thinking that I didn't need a relationship... That it would only be an obstacle in my way.

It wasn't until now that I realized that I have been lying to myself. While it was true that I haven't had interest in a relationship, I have had an interest in Jounouchi.

I have always desired contact with him. Whether it be insulting him or bringing out that fire in his amber eyes. I have always noticed him... Things that I shouldn't notice. Like the way the sun caresses his skin when he sleeps in class, or the brilliant color of his eyes. Even things like how cute his face gets when he pouts or how soft and silky his skin looks.

I somehow feel complete when he is around and my heart aches when he's gone. The very thought of him being sad or anyone hurting him makes my blood boil...

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