Chapter 16

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My feet barely made a sound in the soft grass as I approached the spot where Kurama and Hiei were standing with Jounouchi's proclaimed father.

He stood between them, his hands nervously fidgeting. He was just about as tall as Jounouchi, his body thin except for the large belly protruding from his gut. His long matted hair might have once been blond, but was now stained a dirty brown. The simple black shirt and old torn up jeans accented the dull amber of his eyes and two days of growth on his chin.

He frowned heavily at me as I approached, his blood reeking of alcohol and drugs. "Let me see my son!" He practically shouted, squaring his shoulders. "He is my son and I have a right to see him!"

I snorted at his comment as I stopped walking. "What do you want from him?" I asked, my eyes glaring daggers.

"I just want to talk to him! Is that some sort of a crime!?"

Kurama watched Jounouchi's father with an almost sympathetic look on his face. The dirty man was shaking, his hands clenched into fists. The ratted boots he wore had holes, exposing his un-socked toes. His eyes held a distinct twinge of fear with in them, whether it was from me or something else I did not know.

"Maybe you should ask Jounouchi-san and see if he wants to talk to him?" Kurama suggested. I directed my glare to the red haired man. I didn't want this scum anywhere near Jounouchi.

Kurama shrugged slightly. "Who knows, Jounouchi-san might want to talk to him..."

I resisted the urge to sigh as I redirected my attention to the unkempt man.

"What do you want to talk to him about?"

"That's none of your God damn business you money sucking bastard!"

If looks could kill the man before me would be dead. I glanced again at Kurama, who simply shrugged. I sighed inwardly. As much as I didn't want him around Jounouchi it could yield some valuable information on how or why he was beaten.

As long as Jounouchi was willing to talk to him that is.

"Is he armed?" I asked as Kurama shook his head.

"No, the only thing he had on him was a pocket knife."

I nodded slightly as I turned toward the mansion. "I will ask Jounouchi if he wants to talk to you. If not I'm afraid you will have to leave."

"I am not leaving until I talk to my son!" He shouted at my retreating form. I ignored him as I headed to the front door. Once inside I walked down the long hall and into the main living room where most of the gang was still gathered.

I noticed with some disdain that Mai was still here as I spotted Jounouchi sitting on the far couch with cards in his hand. He looked up at me as I arrived, a small blush forming on his delicate cheeks.

"Jounouchi" I said. "Can I speak with you a moment?"

The blond man nodded, placing his cards down on the coffee table before standing up.

Once he reached me I led him down the hall toward the front door.

"Kaiba?" He said, his voice slightly confused. I turned toward him, noticing traces of blush still lingering on his face, before gently placing my hands on his shoulders.

"There is someone here to see you." I started as a small bit of fear crept into his eyes. "He is claiming to be your father and he wants to speak with you."

Jounouchi looked down at the ground, his hands beginning to fidget. "My father...?"

I nodded, lifting his chin up to look into his eyes.

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