Chapter 13

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The next night I found myself sitting in the familiar chair next to Jounouchi's bed. I sat silently, the moonlight flowing gently through the window as the blond boy breathed slowly in and out.

He had lost a lot of blood from Eric's attack and had yet to awaken. Duo had insisted that it wasn't enough to do any major harm and that he would be fine after some rest.

Oddly enough the marks on his neck had disappeared shortly after we had gotten then wound cleansed and bandaged. Duo said that it was something that happened to keep the humans unaware of our presence or cause of death if vampires did kill.

The room was silent except for Jounouchi's breathing and the occasional laugh from Yugi and the gang who were currently downstairs. Duo had told them that Jounouchi was exhausted from traveling the stairs since he had not yet recovered enough from his previous injuries. While he had also told them that Jounouchi needed his rest that did not deter them from staying and making themselves at home.

I sighed inwardly at the thought of Yugi and his friends making my home theirs. I guess it was a consequence of having Jounouchi here; a price I'd gladly pay.

Jounouchi stirred slightly in his sleep, drawing my attention away from my brooding.

He really was truly beautiful, even with numerous bandages and bruised skin. The moonlight caressed the gentle curve of his chin down to his well formed chest. His arms were toned and his skin looked soft as silk. How many years have I marveled at his beauty without even knowing it? All the days that I watched while he slept in class or fought with him just to see the fire in his eyes.

I was blind.

Maybe I was better off that way. The world was a whole lot simpler with just me and Mokuba. But what's done is done and I can no longer deny my feelings.

Jounouchi stirred once again in his sleep, his hand moving from his chest to the bed near where I sat. His palm was face up and his fingers slightly curled as a small snore escaped from his lips. I stared at the delicate appendage, longing to touch it. Would his skin be as soft as it looked? Would he wake suddenly if I touched him?

I watched him sleep a few minutes before I slowly reached my hand toward his extended arm. Gently I touched the palm of his hand, before moving to his wrist. I relished the feeling of his soft flesh beneath my fingers as I let my hand slowly move down his arm. His skin was just as soft as I had imagined, but like everything else he was not warm or cold.

Abruptly Jounouchi shivered, pulling his arm back toward him before shifting in bed. I sat silently, my hand resting on the bed where his arm had been moments before.

My heart ached. Even if I was human the chances of me being able to be with Jounouchi were slim to none. As a vampire... nonexistent. Not that I could even fathom what an actual relationship entailed, nor did I know if a relationship was what I even wanted...

The truth was I didn't even know what I wanted.

Yes I have admitted that I have feelings for Jounouchi, but what does that entail? What did I want to become of them? What did I want from him?

I shook my head as I removed my hand from the bed and once again placed it on my lap. This whole thing was nothing but a headache. Even if I knew what I wanted from him, be it a relationship or whatever, the chances of him ever returning the feelings were impossible. Even as a human all I had done was make his life miserable. And now I was a monster and to him, no different than before.

My attention was taken away from Jounouchi when a soft knock on the door was heard. I opened the door quietly revealing a nervous Mokuba.

"Mokuba? What's wrong?" I asked as I stepped outside of Jounouchi's bedroom.

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