Chapter 9

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It didn't take more than me bursting into the building, my body radiating anger and superiority, to convince the world that Kaiba Corp. was still in business. I gave a brief announcement that I was away for the weekend and that anything heard while in my absence was false.

By the time I had finished answering the numerous questions from the many reporters; Mokuba had already drifted to sleep on the small leather couch in my office. I smiled fondly at the small boy before I picked up my phone and called my secretary. Not surprisingly she answered on the 5th ring, her voice drowsy as if she had just woken up.

I quickly told her that by the end of the day tomorrow she needed to have the darkest curtains possible covering every single window in my office as well as at least 4 sets of black curtains and blinds delivered to the mansion. Without asking a single question she agreed before I hung up the phone and once again directed my attention to Mokuba. I found myself smiling fondly as I gently picked up the sleeping boy before carrying him to the car.

It wasn't long before we were home. I quietly carried him up to his bed before gently kissing him on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams little brother." I said softly before quickly exiting the room.

I could feel my throat burning as I walked down the large flight of stairs and reached the front door.

Once outside I headed in the direction of the forest, my feet barely making a sound as I quickly navigated the familiar streets.

My trip was cut short, however, when the most delectable scent that I had ever smelled filled my nostrils, igniting the fire in my throat. I couldn't even think as my instincts took over, my body moving toward the source of the smell. It was pure heaven. Nothing had ever smelled better. I could feel my fangs growing as I grew closer, the burning in my throat almost unbearable.

I slowed to a stop as I reached the shadier part of town, the streets seemingly void of life. The crisp air filled my lungs as the heavenly smell overwhelmed my senses. Without thinking I crept down a deserted street, following the scent into a small alley.

I was unprepared for what I saw when I turned the corner, my stomach instantly twisting into knots. There, in the middle of the alley, blood pouring from several stab wounds, was Jounouchi.

I vaguely felt my body shaking as I neared him, the burning in my throat forgotten. His delicate blond hair was soaked with dirt and blood, his face was marred with cuts and bruises. His shirt had been ripped off and tossed aside, the pale pink of his skin replaced with black and blue.

I sank to my knees as I reached him, my body in shock. Cautiously, I picked up his still hand and checked for a pulse.

Instant relief flooded through my body as I felt his blood pumping strong and clear. Carefully I examined the several cut wounds, finding that while they were deep, they weren't meant to kill.

The relief was replaced with anger as I gently picked up the unconscious boy, a small moan of pain escaping his bruised lips. Who would do such a thing? Why would anyone do this?

I growled slightly as I stifled my anger. I would worry about that later. Right now Jounouchi needed his wounds cleaned and wrapped.

Before I could think another thought I was on the move back toward the mansion. Once there I quickly took the blond haired boy up to my room before gently placing him down on my bed.

My chest was tight as I stared at him, his bruised chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. Silently I vowed that whoever did this would not get away with it. They would regret the day they messed with someone important to Seto Kaiba.

The Light in the Darkness (Puppyshipping)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant