Chapter 1

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A long drawn out sigh escaped my lips as I leaned back in the desk chair, stretching my cramped arms.

I glanced at the clock as the distant voices of students started to fill the halls. I sighed once again as I gathered up the many papers scattered on my desk and nonchalantly placed them in my briefcase. As the CEO of Kaiba Corporation, I was constantly buried in mounds of paperwork. No matter what I did or how often I worked on them, they never seemed to end.

The soft click of my briefcase closing was heard as students started to enter the classroom. They walked in casually, talking amongst themselves, not even glancing in my direction.

I didn't mind. I wasn't a social butterfly and I had no desire to befriend people. I was merely in high school as a necessity. It would look bad on my corporation if its CEO didn't even have his high school diploma.

Students continued to trickle in as the warning bell sounded. Only two more minutes until class started... He would probably be late as usual.

I smiled to myself as I pictured him running through the door with Yugi and Honda close on his heels, that stupid smile on his face...

I sighed inwardly. I hated how my mind constantly kept drifting to the blond mutt. There was just something that drew me to him... Something I couldn't quite place my finger on.

A day doesn't go by where we don't get into some sort of an argument, so it's not like we get along. Yet somehow, I find myself looking forward to my confrontations with him, seeing that fire in his eyes. The fact that I can draw out such emotion from him intrigued me greatly.

I glanced at the clock again, noticing Anzu doing the same... One more minute.

As the seconds ticked down I felt my chest tighten. What if he didn't come to school today? I felt oddly disappointed at the thought.

I sighed once again, pushing the unwanted emotions away. There was absolutely no reason for me to be feeling this way, not to mention the fact that Yugi and Honda weren't here yet either. It would be unlikely for all three to miss a class. Especially since Yugi hasn't missed one yet.

I glanced over at Anzu, her brow furrowed with worry. I felt oddly uneasy looking at her concerned face, her eyes unfocused with thought.

I turned my attention up front as the teacher walked in the room just as the final bell sounded.

"Good Morning Everyone." The teacher, whose name I don't recall, said as he took a seat at his desk. He gingerly pulled out a key from his pocket, sliding it into the slot of his desk drawer. Quietly, he pulled out his attendance sheet and went through the names one by one, glancing up for every name as he went down the list.

My chest felt tight once again as he glanced at Jounouchi's empty desk before marking the 'absent' box on his list.

I ignored the feeling, directing my attention to the teacher as he stood up and placed the attendance form on his desk.

Just as he was about to begin the classroom door burst open, revealing a panting Jounouchi followed by Yugi and Honda. The teacher frowned disapprovingly at the trio as Yugi bowed nervously. Jounouchi rubbed the back of his head, the ever present smile on his face, as he apologized for being late.

The teacher sighed before dismissing them to their seats.

I couldn't help feeling relieved, but at the same time I felt even more unsettled.

What was it about him?

I watched him as he walked to his seat, his demeanor cheerful as always. He sat down heavily, glancing in my direction as he did so. Our eyes met for a split second before he quickly looked away, seemingly embarrassed to have met my gaze.

The Light in the Darkness (Puppyshipping)Where stories live. Discover now