School Lunch Hero Day

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What was your favorite school lunch? Do you remember the smiling face who served it to you? The first Friday in May is School Lunch Hero Day, dedicated to those men and women who make the cafeterias and the schools a better place to be! Children's author and illustrator, Jarrett Krosoczka created School Lunch Hero Day to honor the food service employees after returning to his old school and finding his childhood lunch lady remained and remembered him.

For many children, the cafeteria is the first place they enter on a school day. From the first time through the cafeteria line, the lunch hero has more than nutrition on their minds. The well-being of every child is important to them. Keeping them safe, happy and providing them with good and delicious food is also a priority. Often they see entire families grow up and sometimes, they are family. School Lunch Hero Day provides students and communities an opportunity to create ways to recognize their school heroes.

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