Pizza Day

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Pizza Day, your time to get your pizza eating game on! Yes, you heard correctly! A whole day – 24 happy hours – to celebrate that yummy carb that almost no one can do without! From the humble beginning to today's gourmet offerings pizza has captured the heart and stomachs of people around the globe. Do you like the traditional cheese and pepperoni? Are you more adventurous and need to show that in your pizza toppings? Now is time to show the world!

You can say that Pizza Day started in the 10th century in Naples, Italy. This is when records first show the presence of pizza. It started out as a simple flatbread spread with sauce and sprinkled with cheese. I bet the women who most likely made this as a creative snack for their families had no idea the sensation that they had whipped up.

Pizza made its mark on America in 1905. In New York City, a pizzeria called Lombardi's created the spark that would light hearts across the country from then until now – and with no conceivable end in sight! Amazingly, they are still in business! If you want to taste that first real pizza to hit American shores, head over to Little Italy in Manhattan and check them out.

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