XXXII || hoot hoot

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Vic had a nice voice. His Vocal range was much wider than Gerards but Vic wanted to be a musician and Gerard didnt meaning Vic practiced alot more than Gee.

Tony Blew me away with his guitar playing and i knew he was good because we had music class together but i never knew he was this good.

Jaime quickly grew on me as he was a silly, care free and goofy kinda guy but what really sold their music was the drums.

Holy shit Mike was amazing! I found out that he was completely self taught and it shocked me but added to how blown away I was.

Id stayed round Franks house most of that week and even though we were cool he was still annoyed that I left them especialy for Vic but i was excited to sing and they just replaced me with Gerard without even telling me! But frank understood where i was coming from and even though he didn't like it he respected it.

As for spending time with the rest of the guys, including jamia and lyndsey, I was kinda alright? I didnt want to start any unnecessary drama and Technically i replaced gerard without telling him? Either way my plan was to avoid drama but most importantly beat there fucking band.

Fraser picked me up from Vics house whenever I had band practice but whenever the weathet was particularly good I always walked home. Id been in Jersey for Almost a year yet the streets, houses, cars, everything felt so familiar as if id been living here all my life and i find comfort in that. Jersey is dangerous as fuck but at the same time ive never felt more safe.

The weather was particularly good today so I walked home but on the way I noticed a man lying in the middle of the street. Honestly this was the kinda stuff that Iero pulls so I just triend to walk past but then he said something that sent shivers down my spine. It had been a while since i heard an English accent from someone who wasnt in my family.

"Katerina Peters. Stay focused." He said. Who the fuck was this guy? I turned on my heel and he was up and facing me. I just nodded and tried to turn around but he called my name again causing me to stop again. "If a person knows your name, they have controll over you"

This time I ran. I ran as fast as i could considering i was carrying my guitar on my back. I considered dropping it but the thought soon left as I heard him chasing me. I looked back and caught another glance. Long brown hair and neck tattoos was all I could mentally note considering i was scared shittless. I turned a sharp corner that would take me to Rays house. I ran for about seven minutes and when I finnaly reached Rays road he ran off.

I took a moment to catch my breath and decided against nocking on Rays door. I wanted to go home. I was shaking the entire walk but the moment my hand latched around the handle of the front door I felt a little more at ease.

"Katerina! Finnaly youre home!" My mom called hugging me with a huge grin on her face. This was new. I set my guitar case against the wall slowly and cautiously followed her into the living room. "Kat, meet Mr Sykes - he's a producer for Horizen Music studios and hes been tracking your school progress in music!"

oh fuck no.




"Hello Katerina" he smiled, "I've heard alot about you."

"I bet you have" i mumbled under my breath.

He explained to me and my mom that he wanted to take me to Seattle for a one year apprenticeship to get more musical experience but I didnt buy it. Something was up. Since living in America id picked up some of the terms, a little bit an accent when it comes to saying certain words but this guy had claimed to have been living in america for 8 years.

"And if you take this amazing once in a life time opportunity, you get to go in exactly a month!" My mom explained. She added some shit about the traveling the world and how i should consider myself lucky and mr Sykes just sat and smiled.

"May I speak to your daughter privately" he asked. My mom nudged my shoulder and I let him out into the back yard.

"I don't buy it" I said strait away.

"I didnt expect you to but you didnt think running off to New Jersey would shorten your sentence"


"Katerina... you, for the next twelve years at least, bellong to the owl. Hes internationally based and he wont go easy on you anymore so pack up your things and say goodbye to your friends. We're leaving next week."

And then he left without a word.

Welcome To Jersey || MyChem X Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now