XV | Isolation

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I had to walk somewhere else, I still had just over an hour of jack shit to do... other than avoid the fuck out of Gerard...

I felt a light buzz come from my pocket so i grabbed my phone and saw a message in the group chat.

Muffin: say hi to fuentess for me :)

Moikey: Huh?

Muffin: Didnt Kat mention that they have a 'kiss outside class' relationship going on

KittyKat: wft gee.

Moikey: im about to cut open a heart. brb.

Muffin: use protection sweetie

And with that i turned my phone off and slipped it back into my pocket. I decided id just be basic and revise in the library since school work could actualy take my mind of stuff.

"Hey there kitten" Called Bob sipping from a flask. This guy has no shits left to give.

"Sup Bryar" I smiled out of politeness

"Drink up" He said, chucking me the flask while sitting on the steps and patting the ground next to him causing me to join him.

"Holy shit" I screwed up my face "thats strong" I said waving my tounge about as i smelt the shit tasting whiskey from my breath.

"Its supposed to be strong and shit tasting, you'll get used to it" He announced proudly.

"H" i replied.

"H?" Bob repeated sounded confused.

"H indeed" I said huffing,

"So i read the stuff in the group chat, Catch me up" He said

And so i did. I told Bob everything that happened and he just listened without interupting me, I was glad to have a friend that would just drink alchohol and listen. I was glad to have Bob.

We ended up walking round the back of school, smoking a few, getting to know each other a bit more as we hadn't really hung out properly since my first week here and he was suprisingly interesting in his own way. Bob wasnt from around here either anr spent his early childhood growing up in Illinois so being 'outsiders' gave us something to talk about.

"I don't get it Bob! He doesnt have the right to be pissed" I complained brining the conversation back to Gerard. I heard Bob mutter a here we go again Under his breath but u was adamant to ignore it and continue. "Maybe if me and Way were dating or closer or some shit then fine! Be pissed all you want!" I spat "but hey..." I paused for a moment.

Im not the the type to use people. I never have been and doubt i ever will be but what if i continued pissing Gee off with Vic... I dont know what ill get out of it other than possibly losing a friend but why not. Vic cant be that bad can he?

Short Chapter lads but more to come.
Um... I have a drama assessment in a few days? Thats about the most eventful thing thats happened but ill try to update more often :3

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