XIII || Dont push it

442 15 15

"Gerard! you little shit!" I yelled as a hit his door with my curled up fists. "Open the fucking door!" I stepped back and gave myself a moment to breath. It was then i heard laughing coming from the other side of the door.

"ask nicely princess" Gerard said betweed his sadistic little laughs. While Gee was obviously having a blast i was just becoming more agitated and he knew it and it had gotten to the point where i didnt know why i was originally mad at him.

"fuck sake" i mumbled under my breath. "Gee let me in... please!" I muttered. I hated the feeling of defeat.

"A little louder for those in the back" He spoke, this time in a deeper and more controlling voice without the constant cackling.

"Gerard, let me in please?" I asked calmly.

I heard the door unlock and saw the handle slowly turn to reveal a slightly puffy eyed gerard and i couldn't tell if hed been crying or from the smell of his room, High. Either way now wasnt the time to sympathise. No. I had shit to settle with him. The hugs and are you oks could come after!

"What" Gerard blankly spoke as i steped into his room and awkwardly sat on his bed.

"I dont know why im even in here" I said sinking into myself as I leant forwards putting my head in my hands. I had a sinking feeling in my chest and it felt so strong to the point where the physical pain of it was becoming to much to handle. "Im sorry Gee" I said still looking down.

I felt him sitting next to me as he chuckled lightly not knowing what tp do or say other than put his arm around me and pull me into a side hug. He heard me sniffling as i tried to hold back tears and he just rubbed circles on my shoulder and saying things like, "calm down... its ok... everythings fine.." in hopes to settle me down.

"Im good Vampire boy, Ive just got a cold" I said as i looked at him smiling through my watery eyes.

"Bullshit" he retorted.

I sighed and put my head back against his chest.

"Im sorry for asking... but what do you all have against Vic and his friends anyway" I questioned.

"Eh... they just dont treat people right. First few months theyre great but after that its sex, sex and more sex" He replied.

"Nice" I replied sarcasticaly

"That and all those boys up there" He said pointing to the ceiling "Including me up to a point, want you all to ourselves"


"Never mind... also your staying here on saturday" He added, standing up being his ignorant self once more.

"Glad i get a say" i huffed.

Gerard just glared at me for a moment. "Back too your wannabe sassy self i see" he said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Piss of Vampire"

"Vampire boy... that sticking now?"

"Sure is"

"Well unlike fuentess this vampire boy will never hurt you"

A/N: this is shorter than id like it to bee but adding shit keeps making it worse uwu...

stay the fuck away from green coloured cheese!

( Im finishing off a few chapters so perpare for a slow but steady spam )

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