XXIV || HHhhhh

375 13 12

Frank pulled up and we all got into his car. I only went because ray had persuaded me into it. Ray sat in the front and I sat awkwardly in the middle of Gerard and Mikey.

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach and instantly regreted letting Ray talk me into this. I was going to get killed by my parents for not going to school if this road trip didnt kill me first.

I took a deep sigh, desperately wanting a smoke but I was in the one seat where i couldnt do that. I mean... i could have always tap the ash into the cupholder but i dont think Frank would have appreciated that, then again i didnt really give a shit but if there was one important British stereotype i was going to like up to, it would be manners. I twiddled my thumbs and bit my lip a little trying to resist the urge.

A few moments after convincing myself to wait until I smoked, Gerard opened the window next to him and lit up a fag between his fingers.

"Fuck sake" I mumbled quietly to myself. Thankfully the music playing through the car was loud enough for me not to be heard.

Other than the light conversation between Frank and Ray in the front, the trip had been very awkward and uneventful.

At one point i had dropped my phone near mikeys feet and when i bent down to get it my head ended up in a really... odd... place.

I hated the trip and my chest physicaly hurt from everything that was happening.

After a solid hour and a half Frank parked his car in a small carpark outside of a public forest entrance.

We all got out and i strait away lit up fag, breathing in a little to much at once, causing me to cough smoke out and my eyes even watered a bit.

"Don't tell me you've forgeten how to smoke?" Frank joked.

I shook my head taking another, yet less harsh drag. "No. Just a little too desperate." I replied probably a bit too monotone.

He replied with a quick 'ok' and explained why we'd drove out so far to get here. His reasoning was that this place was like an escape. Apparently himself and bob built a den here a few years back and he wanted to go and find it and have it be our happy place kinda... so if we we're sad or stressed or feeling anything negetive we could run away from our problems until we we're ready to face them head on.

It was sweet.

"Ok but i dont remember where it is..." He said with an unusual grinon his face. "So if we go in groups and split up we can find it faster!"

He instantly grabbed Ray to his side.

"Ill just chill alone" I said, not really in the mood to confront these guys anymore than i had.

"Nope... you're with me." Mikey said.

"Oh am I now?" I Questioned.

"Yup" He grinned.

I really wanted to run off but i didnt know the area and Ray would probably have be mad at me.

Everything went so fucking fast.

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