XXII || Continuation

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I hated losing people from my life and whenever it happened i wasnt ussualy the one doing the cutting out. People just got fed up of me. I could tell the Guys were so I did them a favour. It hurt alot, it really did and i wasnt very subtle about it.

"Frank ive gotta go meet someone and im kinda in a hurry" I said through gritted teeth.

"You can meet them after you tell me why you left us!" Frank almost screamed, his voice getting louder

"Frank..." I growled, still keeping my voice low "move."

I was becoming more agitated by the second.

"Dang... you sound more violent than you used to." He said to himself. "What changed?" He asked.

"Frankie come on" I giggled kinda creeply "I just wanna go see a buddy. Now if you dont mind, ill be on my way." I Said in a sarcastically cheery tone.

He continued to stand in front of me so i just pushed him out of the way, taking him off guard. He toppled of the floor due to the shock and just stayed there watching me walk ahead of him. I clutched my violin case and started to head to Rays and to get there i had to walk the long way to school.

I did my best to hold back any tears. It hurt seeing frank look so annoyed and hurt as i left him on the floor but i couldnt do anything about it now.

After around 45 minutes of walking, Rays house was coming into view.

Shit. I thought to myself seeing Gerards car parked on Rays Drive.

I started to walk back and then I saw Franks car coming towards Ray. Frank saw me through the open window and his look of shock was as prominent as mine.

"Guys ive gotta go.. Frank what are you doing here!" Ray asked walking out of his house with two flasks of coffee.

"Whos the second flask for ray" Mikey nudged "whos the lucky girl"

"Miket get out" Ray giggled, his messy fro was bouncing everywhere.

"Ray, we were gonna go hang out at the park before school remember?" Frank said.

Ray mumbled a quick shit under his breath and then i noticed me standing with my hands in my pockets.

"Go without me, im busy." He said walking up to me, giving me the second flask of coffee.

"I just kinda stayed for the coffee" I joked "you go have fun with them" I said.

"Kat, its 6 in the morning and it takes around an hour for you to walk here. Im spending my time with you." Ray smiled leaving the other three boys confused.

"Ray its fine" I smiled.

"Kat i want to spend time with you"

"Fine" I gave into his puppy eyes. I made ray promise not to tell the others about our early morning meet ups. I knew it would upset and probably anger the others like it was doing right now.

We had only managed to walk a few short steps before being interrupted by Gerard.

"Hey, mind if we join" He asked calmly running up to us. Ray looked at me as if asking for permission on what to say so i just shrugged my shoulders in responce.

"Sure why not" Ray awnsered for me.

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