XXVIII ~ This is home

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a/n: im sorry for not updating sooner lol (the title is named after a cavetown song and you should check it out if youre into that chill shit)

Things were slowly slotting back into place for me. Some things were a little more different but as I said. They were slowly getting better. Ray found out about me and mikeys little 'in the moment' kiss and as expected flipped out and gave me a lecture. I love ray but i already have an over protective mom and dont need another. On another note, mikeys girlfriend got sick of ignoring the fact that mikey was sleeping with any girl he could so she broke up with him, not that I can blame her but she seemed nice. I wanna find out why mikey did what he did. Hes a good guy and he just doesnt seem like the man whore type you know? I started to properly hang out with gerard, something i didnt properly do before although i feel a little intimidated by lindsey and since ive started hanging out with Gee again and take up a fair bit of his time, I doubt she likes me very much.

So it had been a month and I was a part of the guys life again, granted Jamia and Lindsey were a thing now but i didn't have anything against them.

"Gee, we have art. C'mon" I whined nudging one of my best friends because he was caught up playing some dumb game on his phone.

"Wait!" He said almost losing "my snake has never been this long... just wait a little longer until I finish!"

"Right" I mumbled under my breath. Dammit thoughts.

After a solid six seconds Gerard died and complained about it like a whiney little brat on the way to art but it caused me to giggle non the less.

Art was shit.

It was getting close to our mock exams so teachere were pushing us annoyingly hard and in subjects like art that already gave out an unnecessary amount of homework were going that extra mile to make our lives a living hell. We worked on basic shit and then two minutes later stuff we hadnt even learned yet and it was hard to keep up but I tried my best to push through and get it over and done with.

*messege from fwonk*

Fwonk: yo, mikey is about to set the school on fire.


I was confused so I nudged Gee and showed him the message.

"What?" He replied just as confused as I was. A few seconds later the annoying noise of the fire alarm blared throughout the school. The teacher tried to calm down students while myself and Gerard just shrugged and grabbed our shit, following everyone out.

"Can there not be one normal fucking day at school" I complained walking towards the playground "Yesterday ray glued 500 crayons to Mr Halls desk.. and the day before! Some kid called ian left a trail of mustard packets throughout the school!"

"Hey Kat. Welcome to Jersey" Gee joked.

"You guys are fucking wierd" I chipped in.

We went into our homeroom groups to make sure that no one was left inside.

"Hey iero!" I called from the row next to me. "Whats up with the smirk."

He laughed "what smirk kitten" he said smilling to himself knowing that he had a hand in this. The little shit.

After the 'threat' was gone, everyone went back to class and I saw Mikey High fiving frank while getting scolded by Ray causing me and Gerard to laugh to ourselves. I hugged Gee from behind and giggled into his side, finding thd whole situation amusing.

"Mikey set our toilet on fire once too you know?" Gerard said as i latched onto his side. I said no homo at some point so it was fine.

"Wait.. what?!"

"Its amazing what a lighter and can of deodorant can do" Gerard announced proudly.

"I bet" I said smiling into my best friend. Once again. No homo.

"Hey kat, let go a sec" Gee mumbled quietly. I did right away and walked by his side. "I didnt want Lins to see, thats all... shes a little... clingy" He confessed rubbing the back of his head.

"No i get that" I smilled "I really do"

"Im glad" He said patting my head.

"I wanna get to know her, and Jamia. Ive only spoken to thema few times so if theyre important to you guys i wanna be friends with them" I said jumping about.

"Sure, why not" Gee replied.

a/n: so this was meant to be a nice chill chapter. more drama will be coming soon but for now. Chill vibes.

Anyway i like asking questions so... ive asked for your faveourite song on bullets but what about revenge?

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