Chapter 25 | Already Gone

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I hear the drizzle of the rain, tapping on my window and bringing a nostalgic feeling along. After I interrupted the attempt of Ace to possibly murder my boyfriend, well, an ex-boyfriend more precisely; I led Caleb upstairs, and by the time I came down, the "party" was already over, everybody went home. Caleb and I broke up for good this time. Still intoxicated, he admitted everything to me; how he had a girl back in college, how she was visiting him constantly, and how Ace saw them at the mall. This whole time, I was the one he cheated with, not the one being cheated on, and it crushed me. He begged me to give him another chance, saying that he would leave her at the exact moment we were speaking in, and all kinds of things that people usually say when they get caught. I didn't want us to burn out that quick, but I guess that we were always meant to say goodbye.

After an hour of sobbing and cursing from both sides, we calmed down. My emotions were swirling inside of me, wanting to break out and run away from this house. Since we both knew we were over right at that moment, I told Caleb about the kiss I had with Ace. I meant to tell him way before, but I never gathered any courage, and at the end, he was the bigger coward than myself. Caleb accepted it almost normally and with no anger, he said he saw how Ace looked at me that night. He also said that he was sorry for playing me. He said a lot of things. But the unsaid left me scarred.

"Could we stay friends?" The words flew out of his mouth, and by the end of the sentence, I could already hear regret. Caleb knew that there couldn't be anything happening between us anymore, damn, he knew it well.

"Looking at you makes it harder Caleb, and being your friend is the last thing on my mind," I said, not looking at him anymore, every time I'd look in his direction, my eyes would get filled with tears.

"I understand. I didn't come here to hurt you Mia, but once I thought I could have you both, I couldn't stop. I know how fucked up that is, I'm so sorry. You'll find someone who won't make you cry, and I will always regret being an ass. I'm sorry for telling you all of this, but only now I realize what I actually did." He cried and only talked in between silent sobs, and it made me cry again.

"Did you even love me?" I sobbed out, trying to keep my composure, but failing horribly hard.

"I did Mia! I still love you, we were so perfect back then, and... I guess I thought that we could be perfect again."

"I'm sorry Caleb, but I can't do this. Please leave." And with that, Caleb was out of my life for the second and the last time.

He got his relationship with whoever the girl was back. No disturbances, nothing. I just hope that he stops playing with her feelings, I even wanted to find the girl and tell her everything, but it wasn't on me to tell. My now ex-boyfriend did in fact promise that he would come clean to her as well, I just hope he sticks to it.

I laid down on my pillow and turned towards the window. The rain was getting more intense, and it worked hand in hand with my heart; for it was trying to burst out of my chest. Crying myself to sleep, I started thinking about the course of my life, and thousands of little scenes depicted together and formed a movie of my life. A very horribly edited, sadly made, and difficult to watch without cringing movie, with me as a starring role.


There is no sadness a morning jog can't fix or at least soften. I've spent the last hour or so running through the woods, feeling the soreness of my muscles and loving every part of it. The morning was cold, but I stopped shivering first five minutes into my running session. I've managed to pause my thought pattern that heavily relied on everything that went down last night, and what better way to completely shut it out than to visit the pits. Since it was still morning time, there were only a few guys sparring and trying to grasp new styles. Throwing my tired and limp body on the yellow sofa between two oak trees, I kept looking at them. They were younger, probably fifteen years old, and probably wanting to get in the ring as soon as they can. In the distance, I saw James's car, parked in his usual spot. Walking up to the guys I asked them if they saw my friend, but none of them gave me confirmation. I mean if he was here, I'd love to have a sparring session as well. I had my fair share of sparring with a lot of people, but James was fitting my needs the most. It might be the fact that he was the first person I started working with, or he was just that good that he always knew the styles other fighters preferred. James was always there to instruct me on what to do, what to change, and what to stop doing completely, and I've gotten used to that.  Sitting back down, I decided to rest a bit more, the jogging session was intense, for it was filled with anger and sadness, and the mix of those two makes me want to run the fastest I can. Just as I was about to get up and go home, I saw James and Perro, coming from the direction of La Haciendas - toward the pits. I was never sure of where they were standing with their emotions, so I was really happy I saw them together again.

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