Chapter 14 | Fake News

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Morning Sun kissed my bare skin and my mouth twirled in an almost invisible smile, after all, I always considered myself a summer child. Today's going to be different, I tried to assure myself. I will go to school, have fun, be drama free, and go home to take some long wanted rest.

 I woke Brie up, made us breakfast, and went to get dressed. By the time I was done, my sister was already outside- waiting for me.

"So, when will you tell him that he hurt you?" I reminded my sister of yesterday's events.

"I won't. He wouldn't get it anyways." She hit a pebble with her left foot and it flew really far from us. I don't know the whole story of Brie and Jaden, but I knew that my sister was suffering, and nothing else was important.

"Okay," I said.

"Okay." Brie murmured.

"Well, does that girlfriend of his know that he likes to mingle around?" I didn't want to prolong my sister's pain, but my brain craved answers.

"I don't know. I don't even know the girl. Can we please drop it?" The sadness on her face implied that there were certain things about their once existent relationship that Brie didn't feel like sharing. And I was okay with that, because no matter how hard I would try to help her, deep down I knew that Brie needed some solitude when it comes to that topic. We all tend to lock ourselves in the privacy of our own mind once we figure out that it is the only way of getting better.

Unfortunately, Brie didn't only lock herself, she obviously lost the key as well.

The door of my sister's mind was sealed for me, and I knew that no matter how hard I try to open it, I will just harm the astragal that usually keeps us connected.


School is very boring lately. Professors only care about their elective courses, and students don't really care about any course whatsoever. Walking down the hallway, I noticed people looking at me strangely, with a dose of tremor in their eyes. Brushing it off, I tried to lead any sort of a conversation with my sister; but as much as I nailed every selective course of mine- talking with my sister when she was feeling blue seemed to be the only thing that I was failing lately.

And just like that, distraction in a form of ebony locks appeared.

"You invisible prick! Where have you been?!" Ashley was running towards me, flailing her arms all around the place.

"Damn, that kind of hurt. I never knew I was invisible. " I said and fake cried.

"You know what I mean. Oh, hi Aubrey." Ashley is one of the most distressed people ever. Her attention span is almost non-existent, thus she jumps from topics all the time.

My sister kind of saluted Ashley, and went her own way. We rarely had the same class, and it never bothered me. I mean, we live in the same place, what's a little bit of distance going to do to us? Only this time, a pang of guilt hit me so hard I almost went after her.

"So, I heard something." Ashley was somewhat singing her sentence, swaying her body while talking.

"Yep?" I opened my locker and took my Spanish book.

"Word on the street is that you and Ace are a thing!" She blabbered it out.

That's the thing about rumors. Once somebody sees you with another person that doesn't come from your circle of friends, they start making up little lies that are colored with all the colors of evilness. Ace and I were only slowly becoming friends, and to be honest- I wouldn't even be able nor willing to be his girlfriend. The guy has a lot of issues. The word about Ace is that he never stays with one girl for a longer period of time, and according to his record of sleeping around; a few of STD's are probably named after him.

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