Chapter 22 | Brothers in Arms

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"Wake up, we're going to be late!" Brie's voice woke me up at the bridge of dawn, and I tried to brush it off and go back to sleep, but she was persistent.

"Mia, I swear, if you don't wake up right now, I'm calling mom and dad and leaving the phone in your room!" I got up in an instant and glared at my sister while trying to remember how my body works. Mornings are deadly to me, and it takes me a good amount of time to actually learn how to properly function.

"Please shut up and get out of my room," I said while starting my morning routine.

"Sure sis, I love you." Brie sang; "Oh, by the way, your lover boy is in the living room, waiting for you."

After I was done with my shower and with putting some decent clothes on, I walked down the stairs and saw Caleb comfortably spread over the sofa, watching TV. It used to be natural to find him in my house at all times, but I kind of stopped expecting to see him, so this came as a surprise.

"Morning love, had a good night's sleep?" He kissed my forehead and I sit down next to him.

"Not really," I muttered, tangling up in his arms.

"Ah, you can sleep in the car. I'll drive you to school." He said and gave me a slight peck on the cheek.

"You're the best!" I chirped in, finally managing to get out of the sleeping mode.

"Maybe after your classes, we could go to the mall, see a movie or grab that soy chocolate milk you love and go to the lake." Caleb was playing with my hair and whispering the last sentence in my ear. It felt so good having him back again, and I wasn't ready to let him go one more time.

"I'd love that!" I said with a goofy grin placing itself on my face.


"You don't have to walk me all the way to my classroom, Caleb," I said to my boyfriend while he held my hand and stopped me right next to Chemistry Lab. He took the bag off of my shoulder and placed it on the floor next to us. Bending his head down, he took my small hands in the palm of his and gave me a goodbye kiss, the short goodbye one, the kiss that means see you when you're done, and I felt really lucky.

"But I want to, so I can kiss you," He kissed me again and then pulled a bit away, "And when you're done with school, I'll come to pick you up so I can kiss you again", another kiss followed,"and again, and again..." Dozen little kisses landed on my face and my smile was growing each passing second. As we said our goodbyes, Caleb went his own way while I entered the classroom. Sitting down and taking my books out, in the periphery of my vision I saw Ace; fuming with anger while staring right in my direction. He was leaning onto a wall at the back of the classroom and when he saw me looking at him, his left leg fell off the supporting wall and he started making his way to me. Before he approached me, Jaden ran into the classroom and dragged Ace to the corner. I watched them talk and  I realized that there was some kind of a situation that needed to be taken care of. Once they were done, Ace gave me a look of desperation and sadness, and I looked away. 

"Hey Mia, how are you?" Jaden stopped by my desk.

"Hey JJ, I'm good, thanks. How are things with my sister?" I ask him, looking around to see where Ace went, but I couldn't find him anymore.

"We're good, great actually," He said and then added," Stop with that name Mia!" 

"Sure JJ." 

"See you around, Fairy." Jaden walked over to his desk and sat down, one leg on the table, and hands behind his neck. Real home edition.

Turning around in his direction, I mouthed;" Fairy?", confused as heck on why he'd call me that.

"As long as I'm JJ, you're not Pixie." He smiled and turned away to speak with some guy that sat in the left back row.

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