Chapter 3 | Las Haciendas

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It's a pep rally in Prescott Valley High, and I just want to go home. All the pom-poms and drums are killing both my eyesight and my ears, but I have approximately two more hours to endure all of that. Prep days are usually thrown in order to expand the members of different clubs and teams and to acquire some new funds for different labs. This year, it was Mrs. Abramovich that is seeking new donations for her chemistry lab, and she was so persistent that next year's chemistry lab will probably be expanded and filled with all of those chemical things that can easily set the school on fire.

As I was strolling down the hallway in hopes to find an empty classroom where I could sit down and listen to some music, I heard my name being called by a familiar voice.

"Mia, wait up!" Ashley, a gorgeous cheerleader who was probably misplaced in that group was coming up to me. I was so happy to see somebody that didn't go on my nerves that day.

"Hey, Ash, why so moody?" I smiled already knowing her answer.

"Why am I moody? Why? Everybody's parading around these halls like their life depends on it. Jackson even forgot that we are supposed to go out tonight because the football syndrome is engraved deep in his stupid brain!"

Ashley is a very good friend of mine, and over the years of knowing each other, we have invented different terms for everyday things that were happening. That is why every steroid-pumped football player that had more in his muscles than his head had a football syndrome.  We've been doing it for years, and so far two of my exes had the same syndrome, and her current boyfriend was very close to acquire one as well.

"I know what would make you feel better. Let's ditch this thing and go grab a coffee at La Noire." I really wanted a coffee, but I was too lazy to go alone, and Ashley came right on time.

"That is the first good thing I heard today!" She put her pom-poms in a pink bag and threw her arm around my neck.

La Noire is a little cafe near Prescott Valley High that is usually crowded, but the place was quite peaceful today. Their service is the best, and I couldn't wait to savor the bitter taste of my black coffee. At home, I usually drink it strong but sweet with a little bit of almond milk added, but in every other place, a simple black coffee works wonders for me. 

"I saw you talking to Ace yesterday." Ashley was teasingly trying to see what that was all about.

"He said hi," I shrugged her off, not really wanting to continue that exact conversation. My friend here is nosy as hell, and that was the only thing that I didn't like about her.

"Sure, he said hi. Come on Mia, Ace Murray doesn't just greet people that he sits next to. I mean, he doesn't greet anybody that isn't Damien or Jaden." She played with a loose strand of her blond hair while looking straight at me. Ashley had this thing where she would intensely stare down a person, and they would pretty much freak out and run away. 

"Stop doing the eye thing, Ashley. I told you, he said hi, and I returned the greeting. That was it." 

"What eye thing?! I have no idea what you're talking about." Just as she said it, another voice joined the conversation.

"The eye thing. The thing you do to practically scare people into telling you whatever you want to know." Behind me was Damien, holding two large cups of coffee. Damien is a rather silly guy. With his height and muscles, one would think that he is the most dangerous person around, but in reality, he was like a little cheerful dog, always wanting to have a good time.

"And how would you know that?!" Ashley accused him, acting all mad and hurt, but she loved to fight with him. When Damien and I first started hanging around, she was adamant to find out how did we actually meet, and how did we become friends. 

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