Chapter 24 | Feed the Flames

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The morning sun kissed my bare skin with the gentlest kiss that one could ask for. Warmness and fuzziness embraced me into their hug, and I was struggling to get out of the bed, I wanted to stay there forever. Life is kind of lovely, and I rarely think that, somebody give me an enthusiast medal, please. After last night, I realized that there are so many things we stress about for no reason, and only when something bad happens we tend to realize that. I wasn't going to let last night's event bring me down, Dome tried to do whatever he did, but nothing happened. I had my friends, and he had nobody, and I sincerely hope that the sucker learned his lesson. Strolling downstairs, I saw Brie talking with our parents, and I wanted to get back up immediately, but that thought crossed my mind too late.

"Hello parents, how are you on this fine day?" I said and sat down next to Brie. My sister looked at me so confusingly, followed by my parents not knowing what to actually say to me.

"Mia, you're... You're unusually chatty this morning, and that just made my day. How are you, honey?" Mom asked and I smiled at her. Brie kept looking at me like she was staring at a monster that usually slept under her bed, and I found the whole situation amusing.

"My presence works wonders, right?", I joked and got up to make myself a coffee. With the cup of the hot and soul fixing liquid, I jogged back to the spot I sat previously on.

"Mia, how is everything?" Dad jumped in, monotone tone oozing from the end of the world. The man laughed the last time probably when he had no kids at all.

"All is good father," I said and rapidly drank my coffee, "Hot, hot hot!" Jumping around the room with my tongue out, I was regretting my decision of not waiting for the coffee to get colder.

"Everything but your illogical thoughts, I see." Dad actually smiled and it made me happy. I do resent them both for a lot of things, leaving their daughters that even now have a few months until they're legally allowed to be staying alone, but I loved them nonetheless. It's been a long time since we exchanged more than a greeting, and billing it up inside me didn't help at all. So this change came naturally good for all of us. I still don't know what made me want to talk to them, but I'm glad I did. Maybe it's the realization of how life can turn out totally different in a matter of a second, or maybe it was the sole purpose of life that made me want to start getting closer to mum and dad. Whatever it was, I was thankful.

"What? I have no idea what you mean. I meant to do this and I don't regret it!" I played it cool jokingly, of course, still sticking my tongue out and trying to air it up so it stops burning. Stupid hot coffee.

"As always, Mia the logical person." Mom smiled, wanting to continue the conversation, probably scared of me running away. Which, I was about to do.

"Yep! Now excuse me, I have to go get ready, the school won't finish itself. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I said and jumped up from the sofa, realizing that I had less than half an hour to get ready and get going.

"I love you, darling." Mom said and I muttered an incoherent I love you back.

Getting out of the house I bumped into Jaden, who was standing on my doorway. He carried a bag full of food, and my mouth watered, but I had no time for that.

"Geez Mia, watch it." He said and almost lost his balance.

"Oh sorry that I didn't think there was somebody on my doorway, standing and spying on us."

"Spying is hardly the right word. Brie inside?" He laughed and I nodded my head, " Come have breakfast with us." Don't do this to me Jaden.

"I'm really late, I need to go. You should wait out here for a bit though, mom and dad are skyping with her." I'm sure Jaden didn't want to face the wrath of my father, who'd be screaming at him and question his intentions. On the other hand, I think I'd love to see that. The boy craved some alone time with his girl, even though they were always in fact, alone.

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