Chapter Five

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"Do you? ...Do you work in the Mafia?" I repeated in a whisper, afraid because if Blake was then HE was going to find me quicker than I had anticipated. I was beginning to panic.

"No, I don't. I would never stoop that low. Perhaps you don't know everything about us as I originally thought." His face in deep thought, his golden eyes set on my eyes watching me.

I felt myself calm down, I was sure he felt me panic but for the reason of me believing he was in the Mafia but not for the idea that He can come and find me soon. While I was deep in thought he had already paid for our food.

Blake grabbed my chin softly bringing my eyes to meet his, I tilted my head a bit and wondered what he wanted. "Lilian don't be fooled by what I said. You and I are meant to be, but I know you are very hesitant. Possibly since you are haunted by your secret?"

I scoffed, "You say you know everything about me, but you don't know what my secret is? Just because you have me cornered doesn't mean ill allow myself to fall for you."




I stood in the middle of my house, wondering how the hell I got myself a mate; who doesn't seem to want to go away. I almost wished that I could disappear, sadly I don't know any spells for that to happen. My cat and dog were sitting on the sofa, I walked over to them and sat down. I grabbed my decorative pillow and screamed into it. When I finally stopped screaming, I went to shower and fell on top of my bed. I couldn't sleep, instead I began to think about how I found myself in this situation.

''' Flashback 14 years ago'''

"Pleaseeeee. Pleaseeeee Emmaaaaa? Take me to the forest to paint" my 12-year-old self-asked, whining because we were told to not go outside at this time. I pouted when she was being hesitant to even take me outside.

"Lilly, we can't go outside. Your brother specifically told us not to go outside." She tried to reason with me while patting my head.

"He's your mate, you always do what he tells you." I snapped while crossing my arms and stomping my foot down.

She sighed and looked down at me with her hazel eyes, "Fine, but if we get into trouble you are taking the fall for it."

I felt my face light up and jumped up and down excitedly. "Okay!" I grabbed my paints and canvas.

It was already getting dark outside, but I didn't care. Emma and I were walking and found a clearing that held the most beautiful scenery in the world. Since we lived in a rural area, there was many trees around, this clearing showed the Christmas trees and other trees living in harmony. I began to paint, Emma was behind me just admiring- I assume- since she left me to my own world.

Everything was going smoothly, until Emma quickly stood up; I frowned and looked at her with a questioning look.

"We need to go now lily" she half whispered and half scream, while grabbing my arm and began to pull me back to our house.

I was behind her and she halted, I peered to see why she stopped. I saw a tall, muscular man in front of us. His gleaming red eyes staring at us with a evil glint, "well, well, well a human and a werewolf together, such an unusual sight. "

I heard Emma growl, "What do you want bloodsucker?", she made sure that I was fully behind her; not wanting the vampire to even see me.

He flashed in front of her, his hand to her throat, "Why should I even tell you, when you already know little mutt." His eyes shifted to me and then to her, his eyes landing to her neck and grinned even wider. "Ahh you have a mate, do you lily? Know what happens when a mate dies and the other mate lives?"

I shook my head, not knowing what to say. I wanted to help Emma; she was barely breathing; scratching his hands. This was my fault I was so persistent on going to this field. I felt tears going down my face.

"They feel shallow and dead, alive but they have no feelings." He answered and killed Emma with a snap, I gasped and stepped back, he stepped towards me but before he can grab me, we both heard a scream. A scream of heart break, I knew at that moment that my eldest brother was coming. I turned to see if my brother was around, I saw him and saw him running past me. I looked back and saw that the Vampire was no where to be found.

"Lilian! What the hell happened?" my brother's face was streaming with tears and his voice cracked, he held his dead mate in his arms. He looked at me at first with pain and then with anger, I stepped back when he stood up quickly and came towards me.

"A...a vampireee came and he just killed her." I whispered out; I knew he heard me when he stopped for a while a smelled the air.

"Bullshit! You killed her, you never liked her from the beginning!" he screamed out an impossible task, he grabbed my arm and looked at me with his hazel eyes beginning to glow.

"I would NEVER! How could i?!" I screamed out and tried to pull my arm out from his grasp.

"I don't know, but you did it. I will do everything in my power to find you again Lilian. I will kill you when you least expect it." He threw me to the flow and left, with his mate in his hands.

~~~End of Flashback~~

Every day since then, I regretted going into the field and tried my best to find the man who was responsible for killing Emma, but I held no luck. Last time I saw my brother he was second in command in the Mafia. He told me it wasn't time yet, and that was when I decided to keep moving, at least until now when I decided to stop running and make my life.

I pondered on the what if's and slowly fell into the dark abyss and fell asleep.


I am so happy ya'll find my slow book intresting.

I am still updating every two weeks,  however if we can get to 50 votes or 160 reads ill update sooner.

Thank you all for the support.

Dedicated to skylergraphics for winning 1st place on graphic contests

Next update May 3

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