Chapter 23

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"Do you Blake Wolfe, take Lilian Winchester as your wife?" the pastor said as we stood in front of our friends and family, hell even Greyson and Gabriel was there. 

"I do" Blake said as he held my hands.

"And do you Lilian Winchester, take Blake Wolfe as your husband?"

"I do" I said as Blake and I stared at each other, our smiles contagious to all around. 

"You may now kiss the bride" the pastor said as he closed the bible and gestured us to kiss.

Blake did not hesitate and kissed me, grabbing my hips and kissing me long and passionately. "We should fuck in the kitchen again"

I laughed and felt my face turn red." Shush wolfy no one needs to hear that." 

We walked down the aisle and into the car which said "JUST MARRIED"

We drove off and ended up just riding to the reception where we were able to finally EAT!

I took a moment and thought about how we got here. 

Everything that has happened till now.


One thing remined.

I was still a princess. 

~~~ Flashback~~

"Well everything turned out how it was suppose to be." Greyson said as we all sat on the couches in my apartment.

"Whats next?" I asked, while holding onto Blakes hand.

"Well, you're a princess, and will forever going to be one including your children regardless if they are witch or werewolf or hybrid. We have come a long way. However, I have a sense that you want nothing do with royalty. So we have come up with something, a compromise, of sorts for everyone to be happy." Greyson answered as he opened the biggest binder I have ever seen.

"Whats the compromise?" I asked as I squeezed Blakes hand, I wasn't going to immediately accept what they were going to tell me, Blake needed to have an input and I would not say yes without his opinion.

"The royal family has houses for each of their daughters and sons; each consisting on how their area could better themselves, now we haven't had a house for this particular area because it is dominated by the wolves; but we are in the process of being able to have a house here. We have noticed that a lot of our kind has begun to see this city as a home. And we want to make sure the humans and ourselves are safe. " 

"So what will we have to do?" I asked, as Blake and I listened intently. 

"Basically you are in charge of everything at the house, you will have advisors and people doing most work, but you have to keep an eye on things, although everyone is innocent till guilty there will be people who do not see the things the way we see them. Which is where you come in and will twice a year come home to our homeland to report and to discuss any discrepancies."

"It sounds like a lot of work." i laughed a little at the possibility of having to be in charge of so many people. I just wanted a normal life, but being a royale isn't easy. 

I looked at Blake, "What do you think?"

"We've done similar things at the company and as a Beta I can help you Lilian. I'm with you all the way."

I pursed my lips and nodded.

~~~End of Flashback~~

Ah what a life we have, I looked at the room around me fill with people. I see Gabriel with his wife, after speeding off his mate found him two months later. Just wanting to talk, turns out her asshole husband was beating her but she never had the courage to leave because of her children. And once she left, she felt as if she owed Gabriel a chance. And now, they are together. I saw Greyson and his friends, they ended up being my bodyguards; even though Blake objected but we ended up agreeing.

And for my adopted parents, they didn't want anything from me except Tyler, my brother who was always in the background. It was fine with me, one day we will talk. 

Until then my new family was with Blake.

Everything was perfect.

Happiness is guaranteed right?



So, this is the end of the book.

I left a little possibility of another book on the struggles Lilian has with managing the House of her area, but who knows. But I am finally done with this book

I really hope you all enjoyed it :)

I am thinking about another book, but who knows.

- Sillychica

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