Chapter Three

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My eyes widened,but  his eyes seemed to sparkle even more. I wanted to bolt the fuck out of there, but I couldn't seem to get my body to move. Everything around us just disappeared; I knew then and there that I was royally fucked.  Our kind despised each other,  and it was rare for this to ever happen. Whoever was up there the- Moon goddess or God- really wanted me to die.

"What's a beautiful young lady doing here by herself?" he asked while signaling to the bartender for more drinks.

It was then and there I wished I was more outgoing, because I was currently speechless and seemed to be blushing furiously. "I.."

"LILY!!!" I heard a female voice yell out. It was getting closer. "Brendon Urie is about to play!Let's go, and maybe you might even get the chance to go up there with him!"

I heard a low growl and turned to look at the handsome werewolf next to me. Wait, what?! Handsome?! We are sworn enemies,!Stop it heart! I smiled inwardly and told him, "Sorry, but duty calls."

I grabbed my friends' hand and ignored everything around me. I was sure I was never going to see him again, but boy was I wrong.




"GODDAMN IT! I am late for work!" I awoke to my third alarm going off. I quickly threw off the covers and jumped into the shower. I then quickly ate and grabbed my keys. Sadly for me, traffic was at a standstill; I shot a quick text to my assistant and prayed for a miracle.

I felt a small vibration and I looked at my phone. I frowned when I noticed that it was an unknown number; but nonetheless, I answered.

"Hello?" I asked while slowly removing pressure on the break as cars were beginning to move.

"Lilian?!" asked a familiar voice. I looked at the road ahead of me, my head scrambling to recognize the unknown voice.

"Who is this?" I replied while getting off the highway and onto the streets.I was almost there now. 

I heard the voice laugh. "You don't recognize your own sister-in-law's voice? That's just sad, Lilian" Her voice filled with bitterness.

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply. "What do you want, Melanie?" I finally got to the office building and was hastily making my way to the doors and onto the elevator. I felt my black curls bounce as my knee shook in anticipation.

"Oh, just to let you know, you are invited to the get together next week," she replied, hinting that she didn't want me to go. I just looked at the phone wanting to throw it as if I held her head in it. The hypocrisy of this crazy bitch. I just hung the phone up and blocked her number, not wanting to worry about anything else but the presentation that I needed to present in like an hour. I finally got out of the elevator and was met with my assistant who had a nervous look on her face.

"I know, I know, I'm late." I raised my hand and stopped her, her blue eyes staring at me and I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Lilian, the meeting is about to start..." she whispered while getting my things and handing me the papers. She pushed me into the room.




"So how do you think you did?" asked Sandra Miller, the girl who seemed hell bent on getting MY promotion.

I looked at her with a poker face. "Good. I think everyone is very pleased with my work."

She scoffed and turned around.

So, you may be wondering how I have enemies when I claim to be antisocial. Well, I only became such a thing because people were getting annoyed and using me to do their work. I decided to stop talking to people just so I wouldn't have to do their job and not get credit for what they were getting paid for. I then decided to just work for myself since I was not getting paid any more than the rest of the lot who seemed to not know what they were supposed to do.

"Miss. Winchester?" asked a female voice behind me. I turnede and saw that it was the boss's secretary.

"Yes?" I answered while getting up from my desk.

"Mr. Andrews is requesting to see you." she replied and motioned me to follow her, I frowned: why was I getting called back.

Did I not do good at presenting? I thought to myself but shook my head quickly. I heard her knock, and we waited for him to invite us in. She motioned me in and I quickly thanked her.

"Hello, Mr. Andrews is there something wrong??" I asked, while considering a big speech on how I could improve on my presentation skills.

"You are fine, Lilian. I am calling you here because you and my nephew are going to work together on a project. "he responded. That calmed me down.

"Nephew? I never knew you had one." I said while sitting in front of his desk, wondering when I would meet his nephew.

"I do, his name is Blake Wolfe, please do come in my dear nephew." He automatically said as the door was beginning to open, I turned my head and I was immediately surprised.

I felt my jaw drop, it was him, the goddamn mate of mine was the nephew of my boss! The man who I had meet the night before at Blue Moon.


Thank you guys for 18 READS lol

Anyways I am behind schedule, I am super sorry. I have no been ahead, nor have I tried to be ahead. Hopefully, this month i will bring my shit together.


dedication to chlorophilez for winning cover contest 3

XxLastOfMyKindxX  <- edits books!

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