Chapter 4

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I stood there with my jaw opened, his eyes turned to me and held the most devilish smile known to man- or this case werewolf- I stepped back. My heart beating a thousand times faster than normal, I wasn't sure what to do.

"Well, since you both seemed to already know each other. I shall tell you why he is here, my nephew – Blake- will be assigned, with your supervision, a project that must be done within a month." My boss intervened in our staring contest; I was quick to look at my boss with a frown.

"What kind of project?" I asked while sitting in front of his cherry colored desk and watched as Blake and my boss sat down as well. I felt hesitant to even start this project; that I knew nothing about and much less with my own mate who seems very keen on getting to know me.

"We need to audit the company because it seems as if someone is stealing merchandise and our clients seem to be getting less then what they have ordered, and the company is beginning to feel the effects of this." Replied Blake as he looked at me with a hint of suspicion but was quickly hidden away with a set of emotions that told me I was in for a treat.

"And why would I need to supervise Blake? He is qualified to do this, right? I mean no disrespect, but I am in no way shape or form an accountant. I simply wouldn't know what to do." I asked while also being curious as why they would put someone who majored in marketing in a situation that was specifically made for an accountant and its higher ups.

They both looked at me, really looked at me as if I had grown two heads. "Please understand Miss. Winchester that the reason that you are to supervise is only need to know basis and you really don't need to know." Replied my boss who seemed a bit irritated that I questioned his decision.

I looked at them both before nodding, deciding to go along with this charade of secrets and "need to know basis". My suspicion was because my boss knew who I was to Blake, but there is a chance that there is something greater that is happening that I am unaware of.




The small little meeting ended and so did the day, I sat in front of my desk with a blank document opened. I really didn't know what to do and began to type nonsense.

"Someone seems to be a bit frustrated" a deep voiced said behind me, I quickly swirled back and held my hand to my heart.

"It seems so" I replied coldly at my mate, I wasn't a 100 percent sure how mating works in the werewolf world, but I knew it was going to be hard to stay away from someone who seemed to appear.

He looked at me, "it seems we have gotten off on the wrong foot today."

"it would seem so." I replied, wanting to put him off so he can leave me alone. I know you're suppose to love your mate and all, but this was all a mistake. A wolf and a witch together aren't something that happens daily, and it isn't looked to be the best thing in the world.

"Well, let me fix that and ask you out for some dinner." He said while holding his hand out, I think he saw the look on my face because he then said, "as coworkers"

I gulped slowly; I didn't want to strengthen a bond that was going to be destroyed soon. So, I did what any sane person would do and replied, "ok, let's go"




We sat at the restaurant; I'd say this was the most awkward silence I ever had on a date. The tension didn't seem to go away. At least until he started asking me 200 million questions.

"So, Lilian I am aware that you seem to know much more than what you have let on." He randomly said while looking at me.

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean you know we both are mates; you know who we are. But I can't seem to find out how do you know? You might be asking yourself how I know this? Well your body language, the way you look at me and so many other things." He said while holding his wine to his lips, his eyes twinkling.

I kept a poker face; I felt my palms sweat a bit. I honestly was speechless; I didn't know what to say or react my brain was thinking of a thousand ways to respond.

"if you know we are mates, why haven't you marked me or anything?" I asked, not wanting to answer how I know, instead I asked him an important question.

"Because sweet Lilian, I plan to make you fall in love with me. Right now, at this moment you do not want me. Instead you are trying to push me away, you are trying your hardest to keep some kind of secret; and don't tell me I am wrong because I've looked you up and you seem to know more about us then we know about you." He cockily said while undoing his tie and resting his hands-on top of mine, fireworks erupted. "But don't worry you don't have to tell me your secret, but you will and when you do that's when ill know."

To say I was completely caught off guard was an understatement, I thought I was well protected. I did not know my mate was this resourceful, his confidence oozing and choking me in the inside. Everything I've worked so hard to keep away from prying eyes was founded by this golden eyed man who seemed to know almost everything about me.

"Do you work in the Mafia?" I whispered lowly; I knew he heard me when his eyes widened a bit. 


What do you think? Is Blake in the Mafia? Who is He?

~~~ Weird book, but it will possibly be slow for character to accept or reject the mate bond. But I wonder if ya'll like it so far?

Anyways please vote or comment~

Dedicated to ThatWeirdoOtaku

for winning First Place in Graphic Contests

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