Chapter 32: Epilogue

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~6 Years Later~

"Why do we have to go all the way to New York?" Jared whined as Evan and Connor loaded the car.

"Because your sister got her first lead role, Jared. We're going to support her together." Evan closed the trunk. "Besides, we haven't seen Quinn all together in forever. Alana's meeting us up there."

Connor wrapped his arm around Evan's waist, kissing the side of his head. "Quinn just texted me. She said she and Zoe have big news for us."

"We should get going," Evan said, looking at his watch. "It'll take us a few hours to get up there."

- - -

"There you three are!" Alana said, breaking away from her conversation with Zoe. "What took you so long? I thought we were supposed to have brunch."

"The bridge was insane," Connor sighed, running his hands through his newly short hair. "It took us legitimately an hour and a half to cross."

"Oh, well, you're here now," Zoe said, hugging her brother before moving to hug Evan and Jared. "You're still having dinner with us tonight. She's skipping SNOB for this."

"What's SNOB?" Evan asked as they started off down the street.

"Saturday Night On Broadway," Zoe explained. "It's a big deal for cast morale. But she'd rather spend time with us. You ready to head to the theater?"

- - -

The show was fantastic and the group of five had some of the best seats, in the orchestra section.

When the curtain call began, the group was smiling ear to ear, cheering.

When Quinn came onto the stage, they all stood up and cheered as loud as possible.

"That's my baby sister!" Jared yelled at the top of his lungs.

Quinn wiped her eyes and smiled at her friends. She stepped back to join the rest of the cast for the company now before the curtains closed and the orchestra played the exit music.

The group stood up and made for the exit, fighting their way to the stage door. They pushed to the front of the crowd and waited for the cast to come out.

When Quinn came out the door in her street clothes, the crowd cheered. She smiled and walked down the row of people, making it to her friends.

"Oh, my gosh, it's the Quinn Kleinman!" Jared said. "I'm such a huge fan, can I have your autograph?"

Quinn smiled and took Jared's playbill. "I missed you, bro." She handed the packet back to Jared.

Evan handed her his playbill. "You were the best Carrie I've ever seen."

She smiled and handed the playbill back, taking Alana's in trade. "You really think so?"

"Definitely. Molly Ranson is nothing to you."

Quinn smiled. "You're too sweet, Ev. And Connor, you actually cut your hair. I thought Zoe was pulling my leg."

"Yeah, well, I figured it was time."

She looked around. "I need to keep moving. Zoe, fifteen minutes?"

"Sure. I guess I can wait that much longer."

- - -

"So, what's the news? You have us all excited," Alana said as the group of six sat at a restaurant enjoying their starter rolls.

"Well," Quinn said, looking over at Zoe, "we decided that we're going to get married."


"That's so great!"


Zoe smiled and squeezed Quinn's hand. "We wanted to tell you guys before we announced it to everyone else. After all, over 5 thousand people follow Quinn."

"Well, when did you decide this?" Evan asked.

"Your wedding, actually," Zoe admitted. "I mean, we've been together for so long, just a bit less than you guys. We went through a long-distance relationship while Quinn was up here starting college and survived. If we could survive that, we could survive anything."

Quinn smiled and rested her head on Zoe's shoulder. "But wait, there's more.  Jare, I want you to be my best man. And Lana, my best woman."

"Connor, I want you to be my best man. And Ev, I want you to be my groomsman. We want you all to be involved."

"Have you told Mom and Larry yet?"

"Nope," Zoe said. "Kinda scared. I don't know how they'd take it."

"What about you, Quinn?" Jared asked. "You tell Mom and Dad?"

"Yeah. Dad's chill, Mom isn't too thrilled. But you know what? I don't really care."

"Proud of you, Quinnie."

"Thanks, Jare. Now, I have a question for Evan and Connor. You ever talk any further about that thing you asked us last time you were in?"

"What thing?" Alana asked.

Evan looked at Connor, who nodded. "Well, we're thinking about adopting," he said. "I know we haven't been married for that long, but we're talking about it."

"So, are you gonna do it?" Jared asked. "Is there gonna be a little Hansen-hyphen-Murphy running around?"

"We're still not sure," Connor said. "I mean, we're both in good spots in our careers that we can do it if we choose. But I don't know if we're emotionally ready, you know? Kids are a lot to handle."

"I think you can do it," Quinn said. "You'd be great fathers."

- - -

"I'll be off in just a few weeks. We'll fly in then," Quinn promised, hugging her brother.

"Alright. And then I can introduce you to Danny," he said. "I think you'd like him."

"Okay, but the second he hurts you I'm kicking his ass."

Jared laughed and ruffled Quinn's hair. "I'd expect nothing less."

"You better keep us updated on the baby thing," Zoe told her brother as she said her goodbyes. "I want to know when I become an aunt."

"I promise we'll let you know what we decide," Connor said, hugging Zoe. "Alright, I'll see you when you fly in for Thanksgiving, punk."

"Alright. Love you."

As the trio climbed into the car, they sat in comfortable silence. Evan and Connor were reflecting on the start of everything.

Who would have thought things would end up like this? Who would have thought that a misunderstood letter would turn into an impossibly close friendship between two rivals and a relationship between two introverted messes? Connor never would have thought he would have such a close relationship with his sister.

Who would have thought Connor and Evan would both get a new start?

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