Chapter 28

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The ever-growing group sat at A La Mode, laughing about behind-the-scenes mess ups. Evan was leaning on Connor's shoulder, half asleep. Jared was practically sitting on Gabriel's lap while the girls ate their ice cream.

"So I tripped and slid across the stage," Quinn recounted. "That's why we have dress rehearsals."

Gabriel looked at his watch. "Sorry, guys, I have to go. I promised I'd pick my sister up from her piano recital tonight." Jared groaned as Gabriel moved him off his lap. Gabriel kissed Jared quickly, making the other teens groan.

"No PDA!" Zoe yelled.

"Call me when you get home?" Jared asked. Gabriel smiled at his boyfriend and pushed his glasses up.

"Of course."

Quinn made fake retching sounds as she watched the interaction. Jared flipped her off and the two glared at each other.

"I should get going too," Alana said, pushing herself out of the booth. "I have pictures to sort through."

"Bye, Lana," Quinn said, pulling her friend's leftover ice cream towards herself.

"Oh, I see how it is," Alana laughed.

Quinn playfully hit her friend's arm, not hard enough to actually hurt. "Get outta her, nerd." The rest of the group said their goodbyes and Alana left, leaving the Murphy's, Kleinman's, and the Hansen.

"Well, since it looks like we're all leaving, maybe we should go? Evan's already almost asleep," Zoe said to her brother.

"Yeah. See you guys tomorrow?" Connor asked Quinn.

She nodded. "Meet us for breakfast before the show. It's two-show day tomorrow."

"See you then."

- - -

"Quinn? What's wrong?" Evan asked, picking up the phone at 3:28 am.

"Jared isn't here! And-and he didn't leave a note or a text or tell anyone and he's just gone. He left his phone on his nightstand and I don't know where he is!"

"Quinn, you're going into a panic. Try to breathe." Evan advised. "Let me tell my mom and I'll be right over."

On his way over, Evan had picked up Connor and Zoe. Since they were going passed her house, they also grabbed Alana. When they got to the Kleinman's, they saw Quinn pacing on the porch.

"Any news?" Zoe asked, running to Quinn and wrapping her in a hug.

Quinn shook her head. "None. For all I know he's dead in a ditch."

"Well, he's probably not. We'll start looking," Alana said. "I say we break into teams. I'll go with the boys, Quinn, you go with Zoe."

The group split up and began heading to Jared's known hang outs.

"Where do you think he went?" Alana asked Evan.

"I don't know," he said, chewing on his nail. Connor gently moved Evan's hand away from his mouth. "Maybe he-"

Connor's phone started ringing, cutting Evan off. "Hello?" Connor answered. He turned to Evan and Alana. "He's at the hospital. Apparently something happened to Gabriel." He went back to his phone. "Jared, calm- Jared! We'll be there soon, okay? Just let us grab Zoe and Quinn."

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