Chapter 18

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"Guys, come on!" Quinn said, tugging on the sleeve of Connor's hoodie. "We're gonna be late!"

She was dressed as a vampire-princess and had a very complex costume. Connor was wearing a halo and a pair of angel wings over his normal clothes. Evan had cat whiskers drawn on his face and a headband with kitty ears. Jared's costume was one of those giant food costumes that no one actually wears. It was a giant hamburger.

"So, tell me again how you convinced them to let us all go?" Connor asked as they stuffed themselves into his car.

"Well, I was invited and allowed to bring a plus one, Jared. Jared brought a plus one, Evan. And Evan brought a plus one, you."

"That's a lot of loopholes."

"We've been doing this since seventh grade," Jared said. "Mia and her friends are used to it."

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Out of all the people in my friend groups, she's the worst. Tip: do not interact with her unless you have no other choice. She will try to hook up with you, despite your sexuality. She's an awful person."

"Why are you friends with her then?"

"Because her dad is the administrator at the college I want to get into so I have to act nice and shit around her so he shows favoritism when reading applications."

"That's really convoluted," Connor pointed out.

"I know."

- - -

"Quinn!" A blonde girl said, hugging Quinn when the group arrived.

"Hiii, Mia," Quinn said with false excitement.

Mia looked the group over. "Who's the new guy? He's hot."

Evan defensively grabbed Connor hand as Quinn said, "Sorry, he's unavailable." She led her friends away from the door in search of Alana. "Don't take any drinks the girls offer you; they're all horny awful people who drug the drinks. If a guy offers you a drink, be warned about the alcohol in it."

"Sweet," Connor said.


- - -

"Alana!" Quinn called when she finally spotted her friend. Alana smiled and walked over to them. She was wearing a witch's hat and a black dress.

"So, did you talk to Mia's dad yet?" She asked.

"Not yet. But I'm getting into that school."

"Isn't theater a risky major?"

"Yeah, but I'm ambitious."

The group walked over to the snack table before Quinn and Alana wandered off, leaving the boys to their own devices.

"So, I don't actually know anyone here..." Jared said.

"We've been coming here how long?" Connor asked as he put some chips on a plate.

"Well, we usually just hide in the basement playing video games with the stoners," Jared defended himself.

"And we still don't know their names," Evan chimed in. "Let's go continue the annual tradition."

- - -

"Guys," Quinn said, walking down the stairs with Alana to get her friends and brother. "It's time to go." Evan was asleep on Connors shoulder, Connor was high, and Jared was drunk and yelling at the game he was playing. Quinn and Alana exchanged glances.

"You get your brother, I get Evan?" Alana asked.


Alana gently shook Evan awake and Quinn wrestled the controller out of her brother's hands before thwacking him on the head. She pulled him off the couch and walked out to the car. Evan was rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looked at Connor.

"He can't drive. Jared's too drunk, and I don't like driving at night."

"I could drive you guys," Alana offered. "I live near the Murphys anyway."

As Alana drove, she started talking to Evan, gently getting to know him. When they pulled up at his house, Evan smiled and waved to the group. They stayed in front of the house until they made sure he was in his house and safe before Alana drove to the Kleinmans' house. Quinn pulled Jared out of the car.

"Thanks, Lana. I really appreciate this. I'll text Zoe and let her know what's up. Text me later?"

"You know it."

Quinn smiled. "See you Monday." She pulled Jared along and snuck him in through the basement. It was going to be a long night.

- - -

Connor was lying on the couch, his sister talking to Alana. He heard Alana say something about jazz band and a pizza party. He really wasn't paying too much attention. He felt his phone buzz and pulled it out of his pocket.

Ev 💙: you home?

Connor: yea

Connor: why

Ev💙: just wanted to make sure you were safe

Connor smiled at the text. Evan was such a dork. But he was Connor's dork.

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