Chapter 31

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"So, are we gonna talk about what happened earlier?" Connor asked Zoe when the two were eating the dinner Cynthia had made them before going out to a fancy business dinner with Larry.


"Come on, Zo. I thought siblings were supposed to tell each other everything."


"Zoe, come on!"

She sighed and set down her fork. "Fine. I'm bi, Connor. Quinn is also bi. We've been dating for about six weeks."

"Now, was that so hard to tell me?" Connor asked, taking a sip of his water.

"Well, no. But I didn't think Quinn wanted people to know. But, don't tell Jared. I know she wouldn't want that."

"Not a problem. Hey, is Mom's chicken dry to you?"

"Oh, definitely."


"Jare? I need to tell you something," Quinn said, picking at her pink nail polish.

"What's cracking, my dude?"

She scratched the polish off her thumb. "Zoe and I are dating."


"What? That's it?"

"Well, yeah. What were you expecting me to say?"

"Uh, I don't know. I thought you'd be surprised at the very least."

"Oh, okay. What, are you kidding me? Why didn't you tell me? There, better?"

Quinn rolled her eyes at her brother. "Thanks."

"No problem gremlin."

Quinn punched his arm before picking up the controller to the gaming console. "You're an ass."


- - -

"I told him," Quinn told Zoe, laying on her shoulder. "He took it really well. Didn't really react."

"Well, that's good, right?" Zoe asked, playing with her girlfriend's long hair.

"Well, yeah. But I expected him to be surprised or something."

Zoe hummed and kissed Quinn's temple. "But now the most important people in our lives know, right?"

"Right. Hey, do you think I should cut my hair?"

"Maybe. How short would you be cutting it?"

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